Realms Beyond 56

Game End

Congratulations to NobleHelium of the Magic Empire
Image of winning player. In the year 1390 AD, NobleHelium led the Magic Empire people to a domination victory, and will be forever remembered as the greatest ruler in all of human history!

game status

game description

                === Server url ===
No password

== Mod  ==
You need the mod 'CloseToHome_1.5.3' for joining in this game.
Current used version (incl. Update 1, 2021-30-01): CloseToHome_1.5.3

Unzip the file into the mods folder of Civ4:BTS (not into 'My Games\Beyond the Sword'!!!)
and edit the shortcut for the game start to
"[…]\Beyond the Sword\BTS_Wrapper.exe" mod= "CloseToHome_1.5.3" or
"[…]\Beyond the Sword\Civ4BeyondSword2015.exe" mod="CloseToHome_1.5.3"

== Tools ==
Civ4BeyondSword2015.exe (Required for non-blocking of players)
BTS_Wrapper (Required for faster login)

player summary

3 NobleHeliumWillem van OranjeMagic Empire2758offline
10 MjmdSuleimanCulture2082offline
8 MjmdGenghis KhanRoman Empire2028offline
1 GiraCatherineMongolian Empire1894offline
5 TarkeelVictoriaSpicy Empire1793offline
* 7 VanroberCharlemagneCeltic Empire0eliminated
* 0 JowyGilgameshAtha'an Ayende0eliminated
* 4 ATNebuchadnezzar IIIncan Empire0eliminated
* 2 LazteuqSitting BullByzantine Empire0eliminated
* 6 !RuffWang Kon!Rf Zone0eliminated
* 9 Mr. CairoWashingtonOttoman Empire0eliminated

game log

Change game log filter

Save current filter

Saved filters

    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 2:49 p.m.

    04/27/2021199Suleimanlogged out
    04/27/2021199Suleimanchanged name to Mjmd
    04/27/2021199Suleimanlogged in
    04/27/2021199Genghis Khanlogged out
    04/27/2021199Genghis Khanlogged in
    04/27/2021199Genghis Khanchanged name to Mjmd
    04/27/2021199-game saved by Ramkhamhaeng
    04/27/2021199-pause activated by Ramkhamhaeng
    04/26/2021199Genghis Khanlogged out
    04/26/2021199Genghis Khanlogged in
    04/26/2021199Genghis Khanchanged name to civac
    04/26/2021199Genghis Khanscore increased to 2028 (+44)
    04/26/2021199Victoriascore increased to 1793 (+28)
    04/26/2021199Willem van Oranjescore increased to 2758 (+11)
    04/26/2021199Catherinescore increased to 1894 (+4)
    04/26/2021199-a new turn has begun. It is now 1390 AD
    04/26/2021199-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=1)
    • (id=3)
    • (id=5)
    • (id=8)
    • (id=10)
    04/25/2021198Genghis Khanlogged out
    04/25/2021198Genghis Khanlogged in
    04/25/2021198Suleimanlogged out
    04/25/2021198Suleimanlogged in
    04/24/2021198Catherinelogged out
    04/24/2021198Genghis Khanscore increased to 1984 (+25)
    04/24/2021198Willem van Oranjescore increased to 2747 (+16)
    04/24/2021198Catherinescore increased to 1890 (+12)
    04/24/2021198-a new turn has begun. It is now 1380 AD