Pitboss 90

Game End

Congratulations to Plemo of the Indian Empire
Image of winning player. In the year 1480 AD, Plemo led the Indian Empire people to a domination victory, and will be forever remembered as the greatest ruler in all of human history!

game status

game description

                Url: pb.zulan.net:2090

Rules/Regeln: Like pervious games Details im PB-Thread and
• No circumnavigation bonus/Die Weltumseglung wird ausgeschaltet.
• No Wonders: Great Lighthouse, Colossus, Verbotene Wunder: Großer Leuchtturm, Koloss

=== Setup at player site ===

Starte das Spiel am besten über eine Verknüpfung, welche direkt die Mod läd:
"[…]\Beyond the Sword\BTS_Wrapper.exe" mod= "PB Mod_v9" oder
"[…]\Beyond the Sword\Civ4BeyondSword2015.exe" mod="PB Mod_v9"
Nach dem Start über "Mehrspieler > DirectIP" einloggen.

Wenn das Spiel abstürzt prüfe deine Einstellungen und ob die Mod zwischenzeitlich aktualisiert wurde.

=== Download links ===
PB Mod:
PB Mod_v9
Es wird mit der gleichen Version wie im vorherigen PB gespielt. D.h. die Werte der Kapitalgesellschaften sind abgeschwächt. Tools: Civ4BeyondSword2015.exe (Required for non-blocking of players)
BTS_Wrapper (Required for faster login)

player summary

9 PlemoAsokaIndian Empire2034offline
2 shadeBrennusCeltic Empire1475offline
4 Xist10Ramesses IIEgyptian Empire1145offline
10 PiccadillyWang KonKorean Empire1005offline
3 HagenQin Shi HuangChinese Empire987offline
8 MiguelitoHuayna CapacSaxon Empire963offline
0 ArMontezumaAztec Empire935offline
13 EmpirateGenghis KhanMongolian Empire396offline
14 naufragarSuleimanOttoman Empire353offline
* 7 AmicalolaCharlemagneIndonesian Empire0eliminated
* 15 FlunkyCyrusPersian Empire0eliminated
* 5 CornflakesDe GaulleFrench Empire0eliminated
* 6 Mr. XFrederickGerman Empire0eliminated
* 1 CivnoobHammurabiBabylonian Empire0eliminated
* 11 CivnoobMansa MusaMalinese Empire0eliminated
* 12 leoloPacal IIMaya Empire0eliminated
* 16 metalPeterRussian Empire0eliminated
* 17 vanguardShakaZulu Empire0eliminated

game log

Change game log filter

Save current filter

Saved filters

    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 9:34 p.m.

    04/28/2023208Brennuslogged out
    04/28/2023208-game paused by player.
    04/28/2023208-game resumed by player.
    04/28/2023208Brennuslogged in
    04/27/2023208Ramesses IIlogged out
    04/27/2023208Ramesses IIlogged in
    04/23/2023208Asokalogged out
    04/23/2023208-game paused by player.
    04/23/2023208-game resumed by player.
    04/23/2023208-game paused by player.
    04/23/2023208-game resumed by player.
    04/23/2023208Asokalogged in
    04/22/2023208-pause activated by Ramkhamhaeng
    04/22/2023208-game saved by Ramkhamhaeng
    04/22/2023208Brennuslogged out
    04/22/2023208Brennuslogged in
    04/21/2023208Suleimanscore increased to 353 (+17)
    04/21/2023208Wang Konscore increased to 1005 (+26)
    04/21/2023208Asokascore increased to 2034 (+25)
    04/21/2023208Huayna Capacscore increased to 963 (+7)
    04/21/2023208Ramesses IIscore increased to 1145 (+9)
    04/21/2023208Qin Shi Huangscore increased to 987 (+41)
    04/21/2023208Brennusscore increased to 1475 (+41)
    04/21/2023208Montezumascore increased to 935 (+2)
    04/21/2023208-a new turn has begun. It is now 1480 AD
    04/21/2023208-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=4)
    04/21/2023207Genghis Khanfinished turn
    04/21/2023207Wang Konfinished turn
    04/21/2023207Asokafinished turn
    04/21/2023207Huayna Capacfinished turn
    04/21/2023207Brennusfinished turn
    04/21/2023207Montezumafinished turn
    04/21/2023207-the game was reloaded on year 1470 AD
    04/19/2023207Suleimanlogged out
    04/19/2023207Suleimanfinished turn
    04/19/2023207Suleimanlogged in
    04/19/2023207Qin Shi Huanglogged out
    04/19/2023207Qin Shi Huangfinished turn
    04/19/2023207Qin Shi Huanglogged in
    04/19/2023207Brennuslogged out
    04/19/2023207Brennuslogged in
    04/19/2023207Asokalogged out
    04/19/2023207Asokalogged in
    04/19/2023207Wang Konscore increased to 979 (+6)
    04/19/2023207Asokascore increased to 2009 (+32)
    04/19/2023207Huayna Capacscore increased to 956 (+9)
    04/19/2023207Ramesses IIscore increased to 1136 (+15)
    04/19/2023207Qin Shi Huangscore increased to 946 (+22)
    04/19/2023207Brennusscore increased to 1434 (+41)
    04/19/2023207Montezumascore increased to 933 (+4)
    04/19/2023207-a new turn has begun. It is now 1470 AD
    04/19/2023207-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=0)
    • (id=13)