Pitboss 92

Game End

Congratulations to Dullland of the Egyptian Empire
Image of winning player. In the year 1935 AD, Dullland led the Egyptian Empire people to a space race victory, and will be forever remembered as the greatest ruler in all of human history!

game status

game description

                Url: pb.zulan.net:2092

=== Download links ===
PB Mod:
Tools: Civ4BeyondSword2015.exe (Required for non-blocking of players)
BTS_Wrapper (Required for faster login)

player summary

5 DulllandRamesses IIEgyptian Empire4370offline
6 ElDuderino91RooseveltAmerican Empire3990online
3 FlunkyMao ZedongChinese Empire3421offline
7 PiccadillySitting BullNative American Empire3273offline
* 0 metalAugustus CaesarRoman Empire0eliminated
* 1 ArHammurabiBabylonian Empire0eliminated
* 2 TRJoao IIPortuguese Empire0eliminated
* 4 GTMehmed IIOttoman Empire0eliminated
* 8 Xist10TokugawaJapanese Empire0eliminated

game log

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    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 8:18 a.m.

    11/06/2023355-game saved by Ramkhamhaeng
    11/06/2023355Rooseveltscore increased to 3990 (+10)
    11/06/2023355Ramesses IIscore increased to 4370 (+30)
    11/06/2023355Mao Zedongscore increased to 3421 (+22)
    11/06/2023355-a new turn has begun. It is now 1935 AD
    11/06/2023354Rooseveltlogged in
    11/05/2023354Mao Zedongfinished turn
    11/04/2023354Ramesses IIlogged out
    11/04/2023354Ramesses IIfinished turn
    11/04/2023354Ramesses IIlogged in
    11/04/2023354Sitting Bullfinished turn
    11/04/2023354Sitting Bullscore decreased to 3273 (-2)
    11/04/2023354Rooseveltscore increased to 3980 (+7)
    11/04/2023354Ramesses IIscore decreased to 4340 (-1)
    11/04/2023354Mao Zedongscore increased to 3399 (+24)
    11/04/2023354-a new turn has begun. It is now 1934 AD
    11/04/2023354-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=7)