
Game End

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game description

player summary

2 #MPK* FickoRagnarViking Empire5480offline
1 StewieVictoriaEnglish Empire1202offline
* 3 martinAugustus CaesarRoman Empire0eliminated
* 0 SoongFrederickGerman Empire0eliminated

game log

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    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 2:18 a.m.

    04/11/2023308Ragnarscore decreased to 5480 (-9)
    04/11/2023308-a new turn has begun. It is now 1876 AD
    04/11/2023308-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=1)
    • (id=2)
    04/09/2023307Ragnarscore increased to 5489 (+4)
    04/09/2023307Victoriascore decreased to 1202 (-11)
    04/09/2023307Victoriafinished turn
    04/09/2023307-a new turn has begun. It is now 1874 AD
    04/09/2023307-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=1)
    • (id=2)