Realms Beyond 77

Game End

Congratulations to scooter of the Carthaginian Empire
Image of winning player. In the year 1390 AD, scooter led the Carthaginian Empire people to a victory, and will be forever remembered as the greatest ruler in all of human history!

game status

game description

                Medieval Start PitBoss with sequential turns

=== Connection details ===
Server url:, No password
Join over the 'Multiplayer > Direct IP' panel in the game.

=== Mod links ===
This game runs with the same mod as RB74. Download: RB74

player summary

* 0 scooterMao ZedongCarthaginian Empire3080offline
* 4 YuriDe GaulleJapanese Empire2017offline
3 BingPericlesAmerican Empire2001offline
* 1 SuperdeathChurchillBooks I Own1421offline
* 2 Mr. CairoLincolnSpanish Empire1325offline

game log

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    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 9:31 p.m.

    02/16/2025 21:47:28199Mr. Cairofinished turn
    02/16/2025 21:47:28199Mr. Cairoscore increased to 1325 (+27)
    02/14/2025199Churchillfinished turn
    02/14/2025199Churchillscore increased to 1421 (+22)
    02/12/2025199Mao Zedongfinished turn
    02/12/2025199Mao Zedongscore increased to 3080 (+79)
    02/10/2025199De Gaullefinished turn
    02/10/2025199De Gaullescore increased to 2017 (+5)
    02/10/2025199-a new turn has begun. It is now 1390 AD
    02/10/2025199-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=4)
    02/08/2025198Periclesfinished turn
    02/08/2025198Periclesscore increased to 2001 (+27)
    02/06/2025198Lincolnfinished turn
    02/06/2025198Lincolnscore increased to 1298 (+11)
    02/04/2025198Churchillfinished turn
    02/04/2025198Churchillscore increased to 1399 (+32)
    02/02/2025198Mao Zedongfinished turn
    02/02/2025198Mao Zedongscore increased to 3001 (+55)
    01/31/2025198De Gaullefinished turn
    01/31/2025198De Gaullescore increased to 2012 (+38)
    01/31/2025198Mao Zedongscore increased to 2946 (+6)
    01/31/2025198-a new turn has begun. It is now 1380 AD
    01/31/2025198-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=4)
    05/20/2024198De Gaullescore increased to 810 (+63)
    05/20/2024198Periclesscore increased to 962 (+61)
    05/20/2024198Lincolnscore increased to 1118 (+94)
    05/20/2024198Churchillscore increased to 1228 (+90)
    05/20/2024198-a new turn has begun. It is now 1380 AD
    05/20/2024198-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=3)