Realms Beyond 80

Game End

Congratulations to Commodore of the Incan Empire
Image of winning player. In the year 1842 AD, Commodore led the Incan Empire people to a cultural victory, and will be forever remembered as the greatest ruler in all of human history!

game status

game description

                === Connection details ===
Server url:, No password
Join over the 'Multiplayer > Direct IP' panel in the game.

=== Mod version ===

player summary

* 1 CommodoreRooseveltIncan Empire5873offline
* 3 ThothVictoriaKorean Empire5222offline
0 ThothPacal IIAmber4882offline
* 2 Magic Science (for Pindicator)Mao ZedongDog Days of Summer1832offline
* 4 YuriSan MartinHoly Roman Empire0eliminated

game log

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    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 9:34 p.m.

    01/26/2025291Victoriafinished turn
    01/26/2025291Victoriascore increased to 5222 (+24)
    01/26/2025291-a new turn has begun. It is now 1842 AD
    01/26/2025291-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=3)
    01/25/2025290Victorialogged out
    01/25/2025290Victorialogged in
    01/25/2025290Victoriachanged name to Thoth
    01/25/2025290Pacal IIlogged out
    01/25/2025290Pacal IIlogged in
    01/25/2025290Mao Zedonglogged out
    01/25/2025290Mao Zedongfinished turn
    01/25/2025290Mao Zedongscore increased to 1832 (+5)
    01/25/2025290Mao Zedonglogged in
    01/25/2025290Rooseveltfinished turn
    01/25/2025290Rooseveltscore decreased to 5873 (-14)
    01/24/2025290Pacal IIfinished turn
    01/24/2025290Pacal IIscore increased to 4882 (+5)
    01/23/2025290Victorialogged out
    01/23/2025290Victoriafinished turn
    01/23/2025290Victoriascore increased to 5198 (+18)
    01/23/2025290-a new turn has begun. It is now 1840 AD