Pitboss 95

game status

game description


Url: pb.zulan.net:2095
Mod: CloseToHome_5.0.0

player summary

* 7 shadeJulius CaesarRoman Empire1191offline
* 0 DulllandWillem van OranjeDutch Empire850offline
* 8 GTSan MartinSpanish Empire769offline
3 FlunkyLieu-YeKhmer Empire703offline
1 HagenChurchillEnglish Empire693offline
4 DanielMansa MusaMalinese Empire672offline
* 2 PiccadillyZara YaqobEthiopian Empire631offline
6 McCMehmed IIOttoman Empire446offline
5 TRPacal IIMaya Empire333offline

game log

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    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 7:59 a.m.

    03/14/2025 07:47:55148McClogged out
    03/14/2025 07:36:39148McClogged in
    03/14/2025 07:30:47148Piccadillylogged out
    03/14/2025 07:30:47148Piccadillyfinished turn
    03/14/2025 07:30:47148Piccadillyscore decreased to 631 (-5)
    03/14/2025 07:24:30148Piccadillyscore decreased to 636 (-25)
    03/14/2025 07:24:30148Piccadillylogged in
    03/14/2025 05:09:08148GTlogged out
    03/14/2025 05:09:08148GTfinished turn
    03/14/2025 04:52:15148GTlogged in
    03/14/2025 00:40:47148shadelogged out
    03/14/2025 00:28:42148shadefinished turn
    03/14/2025 00:06:03148shadelogged in
    03/13/2025 22:25:25148Dulllandlogged out
    03/13/2025 22:11:18148Dulllandfinished turn
    03/13/2025 22:11:18148Dulllandscore decreased to 850 (-5)
    03/13/2025 22:11:18148Dulllandlogged in
    03/13/2025 22:02:21148shadescore increased to 1191 (+8)
    03/13/2025 22:02:21148McCscore increased to 446 (+9)
    03/13/2025 22:02:21148TRscore increased to 333 (+14)
    03/13/2025 22:02:21148Danielscore increased to 672 (+3)
    03/13/2025 22:02:21148Flunkylogged out
    03/13/2025 22:02:21148Flunkyscore increased to 703 (+32)
    03/13/2025 22:02:21148Piccadillyscore increased to 661 (+23)
    03/13/2025 22:02:21148Hagenscore increased to 693 (+14)
    03/13/2025 22:02:21148Dulllandscore increased to 855 (+11)
    03/13/2025 22:02:21148-a new turn has begun. It is now 760 AD
    03/13/2025 21:50:41147Flunkyscore decreased to 671 (-5)
    03/13/2025 21:41:46147Flunkyscore decreased to 676 (-6)
    03/13/2025 21:36:17147Flunkylogged in
    03/13/2025 21:36:17147xist10changed name to Flunky
    03/13/2025 18:35:18147Hagenlogged out
    03/13/2025 18:08:31147Hagenfinished turn
    03/13/2025 18:08:31147Hagenscore decreased to 679 (-5)
    03/13/2025 18:05:43147Hagenscore decreased to 684 (-11)
    03/13/2025 17:53:35147McCscore decreased to 437 (-12)
    03/13/2025 17:53:35147Hagenscore increased to 695 (+5)
    03/13/2025 17:53:35147Hagenlogged in
    03/13/2025 16:12:20147McClogged out
    03/13/2025 16:03:46147McCfinished turn
    03/13/2025 16:03:46147McCscore decreased to 449 (-12)
    03/13/2025 15:58:30147McClogged in
    03/13/2025 12:46:41147Daniellogged out
    03/13/2025 12:46:41147Danielfinished turn
    03/13/2025 12:38:20147Daniellogged in
    03/13/2025 10:23:05147TRlogged out
    03/13/2025 10:23:05147TRfinished turn
    03/13/2025 10:23:05147TRscore decreased to 319 (-14)
    03/13/2025 10:15:59147TRlogged in
    03/13/2025 05:09:20147GTlogged out
    03/13/2025 05:08:38147GTfinished turn
    03/13/2025 04:57:26147GTlogged in
    03/13/2025 02:42:08147shadelogged out
    03/13/2025 01:40:37147shadefinished turn
    03/13/2025 01:09:14147shadelogged in
    03/12/2025 22:16:30147Piccadillyfinished turn
    03/12/2025 22:02:04147Dulllandlogged out
    03/12/2025 21:57:00147Dulllandfinished turn
    03/12/2025 21:55:56147Dulllandscore decreased to 844 (-3)
    03/12/2025 21:52:58147Dulllandscore decreased to 847 (-3)
    03/12/2025 21:52:58147Dulllandlogged in
    03/12/2025 20:00:00147shadelogged out
    03/12/2025 19:56:21147shadescore increased to 1183 (+24)
    03/12/2025 19:56:21147shadelogged in
    03/12/2025 19:38:36147GTscore increased to 769 (+21)
    03/12/2025 19:38:36147shadescore increased to 1159 (+35)
    03/12/2025 19:38:36147McCscore increased to 461 (+18)
    03/12/2025 19:38:36147TRscore increased to 333 (+5)
    03/12/2025 19:38:36147Danielscore increased to 669 (+8)
    03/12/2025 19:38:36147xist10score increased to 682 (+12)
    03/12/2025 19:38:36147Piccadillyscore increased to 638 (+14)
    03/12/2025 19:38:36147Hagenlogged out
    03/12/2025 19:38:36147Hagenscore increased to 690 (+33)
    03/12/2025 19:38:36147Dulllandscore increased to 850 (+26)
    03/12/2025 19:38:36147-a new turn has begun. It is now 740 AD