Old School Vol II

game status

game description

                Oldschool Pitboss

=== Connection details ===
Server url: pb.zulan.net:3071, No password
Join over the 'Multiplayer > Direct IP' panel in the game.

=== Mod links ===
This game runs with a mod named PBMod_v10.

=== Mod folder === Extract the zip archives of mods always into following folder
[…]\Beyond the Sword\Mods\ (Steam-free version) or
[…]\Steam\SteamApps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beyond the Sword\Beyond the Sword\Mods (Steam version)

=== Game start with mod === Do not select the mod after the startup in the ingame menu, but directly start the game with the desired modification. (Otherwise the wrapper, see below, will not work as expected. For this you need to create a shortcut (right mouse click on the binary) and then changing the target field of this shortcut to

"[…]\Beyond the Sword\BTS_Wrapper.exe" mod= "PBMod_v10" or "[…]\Beyond the Sword\Civ4BeyondSword2015.exe" mod="PBMod_v10"

========= Tools =========

Technically, the game works without these tools but all players of the game will profit if you use them! They remove the two most annoying problems.

Copy these files into the installation directory of Civ4:BTS. If you're using the Steam version, and the multiplayer sections does not show the 'Direct IP' bullet point, start the game with the binary below. It is (almost) the old binary without Steam dependencies.
If this does not work, switch the game version in the Steam library settings of the game.

1. The new binary.
Only with this binary can more than one player join a PB server. Otherwise, other players will be blocked.
Download: Civ4BeyondSword2015.exe

2. The 'wrapper' binary
This tool is needed to speed up the login. It can reduce the time needed for joining from several minutes to seconds. At the beginning of a PB you will think it is not required, but the save file size is growing with each turn.
Internally it will load Civ4BeyondSword2015.exe (or Civ4BeyondSword.exe) Because of this we included above exe to be sure that both is installed.
Download: BTS_Wrapper

player summary

* 7 purpleSuryavarman IIMaya Empire1389offline
* 6 GibronHannibalMongolian Empire988offline
* 5 janmarek3VictoriaBabylonian Empire714offline
* 4 Al Gore 2028Willem van OranjeArabian Empire1115offline
3 AzoarMansa MusaEnglish Empire1141offline
* 2 YynexGenghis KhanUrbanická brázda1071offline
* 1 YuckBismarckGalactic Empire1440offline
* 0 GarbairWang KonMalinese Empire1155offline

game log

Change game log filter

Save current filter

Saved filters

    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 8:50 p.m.

    03/11/2025 17:35:03165Gibronlogged out
    03/11/2025 16:52:24165Gibronlogged in
    03/11/2025 16:22:17165Gibronlogged out
    03/11/2025 16:06:52165Gibronlogged in
    03/11/2025 12:53:01165Gibronlogged out
    03/11/2025 12:47:27165Gibronfinished turn
    03/11/2025 12:21:23165Gibronlogged in
    03/11/2025 11:41:40165janmarek3logged out
    03/11/2025 11:41:30165janmarek3finished turn
    03/11/2025 11:40:49165janmarek3score decreased to 714 (-5)
    03/11/2025 11:39:18165janmarek3logged in
    03/11/2025 06:45:21165Al Gore 2028logged out
    03/11/2025 06:45:21165Al Gore 2028finished turn
    03/11/2025 06:38:35165Al Gore 2028score increased to 1115 (+12)
    03/11/2025 06:38:35165Yynexscore increased to 1071 (+18)
    03/11/2025 06:38:14165Al Gore 2028logged in
    03/10/2025 23:30:31165Yucklogged out
    03/10/2025 23:13:06165Yuckfinished turn
    03/10/2025 23:04:48165Yucklogged in
    03/10/2025 14:20:41165Gibronlogged out
    03/10/2025 14:18:00165Gibronlogged in
    03/10/2025 12:21:05165Garbairlogged out
    03/10/2025 12:14:50165Garbairfinished turn
    03/10/2025 12:09:45165purplescore decreased to 1389 (-18)
    03/10/2025 12:09:45165Garbairscore increased to 1155 (+18)
    03/10/2025 12:09:35165Garbairscore increased to 1137 (+24)
    03/10/2025 12:08:45165Garbairlogged in
    03/10/2025 09:14:56165purplelogged out
    03/10/2025 09:12:44165purplefinished turn
    03/10/2025 08:31:07165purplescore increased to 1407 (+18)
    03/10/2025 08:19:37165Yuckscore increased to 1440 (+18)
    03/10/2025 08:17:06165purplelogged in
    03/10/2025 07:41:06165Yynexlogged out
    03/10/2025 07:40:56165Yynexfinished turn
    03/10/2025 07:35:31165purplescore increased to 1389 (+50)
    03/10/2025 07:35:31165Gibronscore increased to 988 (+18)
    03/10/2025 07:35:31165janmarek3score decreased to 719 (-38)
    03/10/2025 07:35:31165Azoarscore increased to 1141 (+5)
    03/10/2025 07:35:31165Yynexscore increased to 1053 (+4)
    03/10/2025 07:35:31165Yuckscore increased to 1422 (+1)
    03/10/2025 07:35:31165Garbairscore increased to 1113 (+10)
    03/10/2025 07:35:31165-a new turn has begun. It is now 1050 AD
    03/10/2025 07:25:32164Yynexlogged in
    03/09/2025 20:50:14164Azoarlogged out
    03/09/2025 20:48:33164Azoarfinished turn
    03/09/2025 20:47:22164Azoarlogged in
    03/09/2025 15:42:14164Yucklogged out
    03/09/2025 15:41:13164Yuckfinished turn
    03/09/2025 15:20:35164Yucklogged in
    03/09/2025 14:10:58164Gibronlogged out
    03/09/2025 13:50:51164Gibronlogged in
    03/09/2025 11:00:04164janmarek3logged out
    03/09/2025 10:56:31164janmarek3score decreased to 757 (-4)
    03/09/2025 10:55:30164janmarek3logged in
    03/09/2025 10:35:20164janmarek3logged out
    03/09/2025 10:34:10164janmarek3finished turn
    03/09/2025 10:29:26164janmarek3logged in
    03/09/2025 10:13:08164Al Gore 2028logged out
    03/09/2025 10:13:08164Al Gore 2028finished turn
    03/09/2025 10:04:39164Al Gore 2028logged in
    03/09/2025 10:03:49164Gibronlogged out
    03/09/2025 09:42:19164Gibronfinished turn
    03/09/2025 09:32:41164Gibronlogged in
    03/08/2025 17:01:20164purplelogged out
    03/08/2025 17:01:20164purplefinished turn
    03/08/2025 16:42:23164Garbairlogged out
    03/08/2025 16:31:13164Garbairfinished turn
    03/08/2025 16:29:11164Garbairscore decreased to 1103 (-9)
    03/08/2025 16:21:44164Garbairlogged in
    03/08/2025 16:16:39164Azoarscore increased to 1136 (+18)
    03/08/2025 16:13:38164purplelogged in
    03/08/2025 16:07:04164Yucklogged out
    03/08/2025 16:05:53164purplescore increased to 1339 (+16)
    03/08/2025 16:05:53164janmarek3score increased to 761 (+4)
    03/08/2025 16:05:53164Al Gore 2028score increased to 1103 (+7)
    03/08/2025 16:05:53164Azoarscore increased to 1118 (+4)
    03/08/2025 16:05:53164Yynexscore increased to 1049 (+5)
    03/08/2025 16:05:53164Yuckscore increased to 1421 (+25)
    03/08/2025 16:05:53164Garbairscore increased to 1112 (+6)
    03/08/2025 16:05:53164-a new turn has begun. It is now 1040 AD