Pitboss 73

Game End

Congratulations to Kaffeesatzleser of the Byzanz
Image of winning player. Das Ende des Spiels gestaltete sich überraschend spannend! Jesper Portus und Kaffeesatzleser gewannen das Spiel am Ende gleichzeitig im Raumschiff- und Kultursieg. Gratulation.

game status

game description

Weltkarten-Spiel mit 52 Spielern und der eigens dafür entwickelten PB-Mod


Thread im Forum: http://www.civforum.de/showthread.php?92689-PB-73-40-Teams-auf-der-Weltkarte
   Der erste Beitrag enthält die Regeln und Informationen zur Teilnahme sowie eine Installationsanleitung für die Mod.
   Der zweite Beitrag enthält eine Teamübersicht.



Schiedsrichter: Stroit, ElDuderino91
Kartenersteller: Pucc

player summary

* 24 KaffeesatzleserJustinian IByzanz3678offline
28 JPCatherineRUS2690offline
34 FrozenHannibalCarthaginian Empire2568offline
* 41 wahlprofiDarius IPersian Empire1645offline
2 TeeRohrLincolnWald1623offline
8 RamkhamhaengJoao IIBrasilianisches Kaiserreich1471offline
50 PiccadillyWang KonKG zur Reautonomisierung Koreas1445offline
33 mauzShakaHassia1388offline
* 25 EnnosSuleimanPrachtvolles Reich1083offline
* 5 CeresMontezumaAztec Empire993offline
* 48 CocoQin Shi HuangChinese Empire802offline
* 45 DulllandKublai KhanMongolian Empire666offline
49 Sauron44TokugawaMordor452offline
11 LeibnizLouis XIVFrench Empire431offline
* 9 Mr. XAlexanderTLA0eliminated
* 44 ArgnanAsokaIndian Empire0eliminated
* 19 BumsyAugustus CaesarRoman Empire0eliminated
* 15 alphaBismarckWelt der Mathematik0eliminated
* 37 MrWurfBoudicaVkS0eliminated
* 38 kreutzbergBrennusCeltic Empire0eliminated
* 16 tkh42CharlemagneHoly Roman Empire0eliminated
* 23 ANNOChurchillEnglish Empire0eliminated
* 40 indienatorCyrusPersian Empire0eliminated
* 13 spy82De GaulleFrench Empire0eliminated
* 21 123ElizabethEnglomanien0eliminated
* 14 WaltherFrederickBoer Rookery0eliminated
* 43 VimalGandhiFiministisches Imperium0eliminated
* 46 SVE!VGenghis KhanMongolian Empire0eliminated
* 39 LautreamontGilgameshUruk0eliminated
* 36 MrPresidentHammurabiBabylonian Empire0eliminated
* 30 vanguardHatshepsutHyrule0eliminated
* 4 LeifHuayna CapacIncan Empire0eliminated
* 7 EnnosIsabellaImperio Espanol0eliminated
* 18 LaoJulius CaesarRoman Empire0eliminated
* 35 theindlessMansa MusaMalinese Empire0eliminated
* 47 chegginedMao ZedongChinese Empire0eliminated
* 26 wahl-profiMehmed IIOttoman Empire0eliminated
* 12 MongkeKhanNapoleonFrench Empire0eliminated
* 6 AldantirPacal IIMaya Empire0eliminated
* 10 AurangzebPericlesReich von Neu Athen0eliminated
* 29 LokiPeterRussian Empire0eliminated
* 20 TrolliRagnarSkandinavien0eliminated
* 31 AriRamesses IIEgyptian Empire0eliminated
* 0 SuiteRooseveltAmerican Empire0eliminated
* 42 malli4picoSaladinArabian Empire0eliminated
* 3 ShoxerSitting BullNative American Empire0eliminated
* 27 lutz1904StalinRussian Empire0eliminated
* 51 WaltherSuryavarman IIKhmer Empire0eliminated
* 22 WeissbrotVictoriaEnglish Empire0eliminated
* 1 JohannesWashingtonAmerican Empire0eliminated
* 17 indienatorWillem van OranjeDutch Empire0eliminated
* 32 Suite4ThorgalZara YaqobEthiopian Empire0eliminated

game log

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    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 9:29 p.m.

    07/31/2016295Qin Shi Huanglogged out
    07/31/2016295Qin Shi Huangfinished turn
    07/31/2016295Qin Shi Huanglogged in
    07/31/2016295Qin Shi Huanglogged out
    07/31/2016295Qin Shi Huanglogged in
    07/29/2016295Montezumalogged out
    07/29/2016295Montezumafinished turn
    07/29/2016295Montezumalogged in
    07/29/2016295Suleimanlogged out
    07/29/2016295Suleimanlogged in
    07/29/2016295Suleimanlogged out
    07/29/2016295Suleimanfinished turn
    07/29/2016295Suleimanlogged in
    07/29/2016295Lincolnlogged out
    07/29/2016295Lincolnlogged in
    07/29/2016295Darius Ilogged out
    07/29/2016295Darius Ifinished turn
    07/29/2016295Darius Ilogged in
    07/28/2016295Catherinelogged out
    07/28/2016295Catherinelogged in
    07/28/2016295Justinian Ilogged out
    07/28/2016295Justinian Ifinished turn
    07/28/2016295Justinian Iscore increased to 3678 (+1)
    07/28/2016295Justinian Iscore increased to 3677 (+1)
    07/28/2016295Justinian Iscore increased to 3676 (+2)
    07/28/2016295Justinian Iscore increased to 3674 (+1)
    07/28/2016295Justinian Iscore increased to 3673 (+1)
    07/28/2016295Justinian Iscore increased to 3672 (+2)
    07/28/2016295Shakascore decreased to 1388 (-26)
    07/28/2016295Justinian Iscore increased to 3670 (+26)
    07/28/2016295Shakascore decreased to 1414 (-22)
    07/28/2016295Justinian Iscore increased to 3644 (+22)
    07/28/2016295Justinian Ilogged in
    07/28/2016295Shakalogged out
    07/28/2016295Shakascore decreased to 1436 (-1)
    07/28/2016295Joao IIlogged out
    07/28/2016295Shakalogged in
    07/28/2016295Kublai Khanlogged out
    07/28/2016295Kublai Khanfinished turn
    07/28/2016295Joao IIlogged in
    07/28/2016295Joao IIlogged out
    07/28/2016295Joao IIlogged in
    07/28/2016295Kublai Khanlogged in
    07/28/2016295-game saved by Ramkhamhaeng
    07/28/2016295Wang Konscore increased to 1445 (+28)
    07/28/2016295Qin Shi Huangscore increased to 802 (+19)
    07/28/2016295Darius Iscore increased to 1645 (+34)
    07/28/2016295Hannibalscore increased to 2568 (+38)
    07/28/2016295Shakascore increased to 1437 (+23)
    07/28/2016295Catherinescore increased to 2690 (+38)
    07/28/2016295Suleimanscore increased to 1083 (+12)
    07/28/2016295Justinian Iscore increased to 3622 (+7)
    07/28/2016295Joao IIscore increased to 1471 (+27)
    07/28/2016295Montezumascore increased to 993 (+19)
    07/28/2016295Lincolnscore increased to 1623 (+27)
    07/28/2016295-a new turn has begun. It is now 1850 AD
    07/28/2016295-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=49)
    07/28/2016294Justinian Ilogged out
    07/28/2016294Justinian Ilogged in
    07/28/2016294Hanniballogged out
    07/28/2016294Hannibalfinished turn
    07/28/2016294Hannibalscore increased to 2530 (+1)
    07/28/2016294Hanniballogged in
    07/27/2016294Suleimanlogged out
    07/27/2016294Suleimanlogged in
    07/27/2016294Suleimanlogged out
    07/27/2016294Suleimanlogged in
    07/27/2016294Wang Konlogged out
    07/27/2016294Wang Konfinished turn
    07/27/2016294Wang Konscore increased to 1417 (+1)
    07/27/2016294Wang Konlogged in
    07/27/2016294Justinian Ilogged out
    07/27/2016294Justinian Ilogged in
    07/27/2016294-current turn timer changed by +0h 00m to 4h 33m.
    07/26/2016294Lincolnlogged out
    07/26/2016294Lincolnfinished turn
    07/26/2016294Louis XIVscore decreased to 431 (-25)
    07/26/2016294Lincolnscore increased to 1596 (+6)
    07/26/2016294Louis XIVscore decreased to 456 (-6)
    07/26/2016294Lincolnscore increased to 1590 (+1)
    07/26/2016294Lincolnlogged in
    07/26/2016294Joao IIlogged out
    07/26/2016294Joao IIfinished turn
    07/26/2016294Joao IIlogged in
    07/26/2016294Joao IIlogged out
    07/26/2016294-the game was reloaded on year 1848 AD
    07/26/2016294-game saved by Ramkhamhaeng
    07/26/2016294Joao IIlogged in
    07/26/2016294Joao IIlogged out
    07/26/2016294Joao IIlogged in
    07/26/2016294Joao IIlogged out
    07/26/2016294Joao IIlogged in
    07/26/2016294Joao IIlogged out
    07/26/2016294Joao IIlogged in
    07/26/2016294Justinian Ilogged out
    07/26/2016294Justinian Ilogged in
    07/26/2016294Justinian Ilogged out
    07/26/2016294Justinian Ilogged in
    07/26/2016294Justinian Ilogged out
    07/26/2016294Justinian Ilogged in
    07/26/2016294Darius Ilogged out
    07/26/2016294Darius Ilogged in
    07/26/2016294Justinian Ilogged out
    07/26/2016294Justinian Ifinished turn
    07/26/2016294Catherinescore decreased to 2652 (-2)
    07/26/2016294Justinian Iscore increased to 3615 (+16)
    07/26/2016294Darius Iscore increased to 1611 (+40)
    07/26/2016294Justinian Iscore decreased to 3599 (-60)
    07/26/2016294Justinian Ilogged in
    07/26/2016294Justinian Ichanged name to Kaffeesatzleser
    07/26/2016294Catherinelogged out
    07/26/2016294Catherinefinished turn
    07/26/2016294Catherinelogged in
    07/25/2016294Darius Ilogged out
    07/25/2016294Darius Ifinished turn
    07/25/2016294Darius Ilogged in
    07/25/2016294Montezumalogged out
    07/25/2016294Montezumafinished turn
    07/25/2016294Montezumascore decreased to 974 (-4)
    07/25/2016294Montezumalogged in
    07/25/2016294Shakalogged out
    07/25/2016294Shakafinished turn
    07/25/2016294Shakascore increased to 1414 (+22)
    07/25/2016294Justinian Iscore decreased to 3659 (-23)
    07/25/2016294Shakalogged in
    07/25/2016294Suleimanlogged out
    07/25/2016294Suleimanfinished turn
    07/25/2016294Suleimanlogged in
    07/25/2016294Qin Shi Huanglogged out
    07/25/2016294Qin Shi Huangfinished turn
    07/25/2016294Qin Shi Huanglogged in
    07/24/2016294Louis XIVlogged out
    07/24/2016294Louis XIVfinished turn
    07/24/2016294Louis XIVscore decreased to 462 (-2)
    07/24/2016294Louis XIVscore increased to 464 (+2)
    07/24/2016294Lincolnscore decreased to 1589 (-1)
    07/24/2016294Louis XIVscore decreased to 462 (-3)
    07/24/2016294Louis XIVlogged in
    07/24/2016294Kublai Khanlogged out
    07/24/2016294Kublai Khanfinished turn
    07/24/2016294Kublai Khanlogged in
    07/24/2016294Wang Konscore increased to 1416 (+40)
    07/24/2016294Qin Shi Huangscore increased to 783 (+21)
    07/24/2016294Darius Iscore increased to 1571 (+29)
    07/24/2016294Hannibalscore increased to 2529 (+50)
    07/24/2016294Shakascore increased to 1392 (+21)
    07/24/2016294Catherinescore increased to 2654 (+71)
    07/24/2016294Suleimanscore decreased to 1071 (-2)
    07/24/2016294Justinian Iscore increased to 3682 (+3)
    07/24/2016294Joao IIscore increased to 1444 (+27)
    07/24/2016294Montezumascore increased to 978 (+11)
    07/24/2016294Lincolnscore increased to 1590 (+29)
    07/24/2016294-a new turn has begun. It is now 1848 AD
    07/24/2016294-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=24)
    07/24/2016294Kublai Khanlogged out
    07/24/2016294Kublai Khanlogged in
    07/24/2016294Kublai Khanlogged out
    07/24/2016294Kublai Khanlogged in
    07/24/2016294Kublai Khanlogged out
    07/24/2016294Kublai Khanfinished turn
    07/24/2016294Kublai Khanlogged in
    07/24/2016294Wang Konscore increased to 1416 (+40)
    07/24/2016294Qin Shi Huangscore increased to 783 (+21)
    07/24/2016294Darius Iscore increased to 1571 (+29)
    07/24/2016294Hannibalscore increased to 2529 (+50)
    07/24/2016294Shakascore increased to 1392 (+21)
    07/24/2016294Catherinescore increased to 2654 (+71)
    07/24/2016294Suleimanscore decreased to 1071 (-2)
    07/24/2016294Justinian Iscore decreased to 3664 (-15)
    07/24/2016294Joao IIscore increased to 1444 (+27)
    07/24/2016294Montezumascore increased to 978 (+11)
    07/24/2016294Lincolnscore increased to 1590 (+29)
    07/24/2016294-a new turn has begun. It is now 1848 AD
    07/24/2016294-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=24)