PB Cup, Round 2, Dulland — Mauz

Game End

Congratulations to mauz of the Autonomes Kollektiv
Image of winning player. In the year 1060 AD, mauz led the Autonomes Kollektiv people to a domination victory, and will be forever remembered as the greatest ruler in all of human history!

game status

game description

                Viertelfinale des PB Pokals.

Port 2021

player summary

* 1 mauzTokugawaAutonomes Kollektiv2838offline
0 DulllandTokugawaJapanese Empire2340offline

game log

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    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 9:15 a.m.

    07/18/2016113-game saved by Ramkhamhaeng
    07/18/2016113Tokugawalogged out
    07/18/2016113Tokugawalogged in
    07/17/2016113Tokugawalogged out
    07/17/2016113Tokugawafinished turn
    07/17/2016113Tokugawascore increased to 2838 (+35)
    07/17/2016113Tokugawascore increased to 2340 (+59)
    07/17/2016113-a new turn has begun. It is now 1060 AD
    07/17/2016112Tokugawalogged in
    07/17/2016112Tokugawalogged out
    07/17/2016112Tokugawafinished turn
    07/17/2016112Tokugawascore increased to 2281 (+128)
    07/17/2016112-the game was reloaded on year 1040 AD
    07/17/2016112Tokugawascore decreased to 2153 (-128)
    07/17/2016112Tokugawalogged in
    07/17/2016112Tokugawalogged out
    07/17/2016112Tokugawafinished turn
    07/17/2016112Tokugawascore increased to 2803 (+32)
    07/17/2016112-a new turn has begun. It is now 1040 AD