Pitboss 77

Game End

Congratulations to HeyI of the Indonesien
Image of winning player. In the year 1505 AD, HeyI led the Indonesien people to a domination victory, and will be forever remembered as the greatest ruler in all of human history!

game status

game description

                PB-Spiel mit BASE-Mod

Link zur verwendeten Mod-Variante: https://download.civforum.de/civ4/mods/base/BASE_PB3.rar
Link zum Patch: https://www.civforum.de/showthread.php?100266-PB-77-Base&p=7610648&viewfull=1#post7610648
Mod+Patch-Komplettpaket: https://kirk.zulan.net/pb/BASE_PB3.zip

Link zum Bugfix: https://www.civforum.de/showthread.php?100266-PB-77-Base&p=7622902&viewfull=1#post7622902
Beim neuinstallieren bitte beachten, dass ihr den Hauptmod,
danach den ersten Patch und dann den Bugfix installiert. Wer das Mod+Patch-Komplettpacket installiert,
brauch nur noch den Bugfix hinzufügen.

Wrapper-Exe für schnellen Login:

Url: pb.zulan.net:2077

player summary

10 HeyITribhuwanaIndonesien3229offline
2 Ducky4MikkoMao ZedongChinese Empire2310offline
6 BadMooseKhomeiniPersian Empire2210offline
12 Sauron44CatherineRussian Empire1861offline
4 CeresHo Chi MinhSozialistische Republik Vietnam1454offline
8 Rob AnybodySolomonIsraeli Empire805offline
9 indienatorMansa MusaMalinese Empire284offline
* 1 CybahAkbarIndian Empire0eliminated
* 3 OzymandiasAtotoztliAztec Empire0eliminated
* 7 Ducky123Huayna CapacIncan Empire0eliminated
* 5 MaugitarLincolnAmerican Empire0eliminated
* 11 MrPresidentMaria TheresiaAustrian Empire0eliminated
* 0 MenelorSejongKorean Empire0eliminated

game log

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    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 3:18 a.m.

    12/04/2017211Tribhuwanascore increased to 3229 (+54)
    12/04/2017211Solomonscore increased to 805 (+4)
    12/04/2017211Khomeiniscore increased to 2210 (+36)
    12/04/2017211Ho Chi Minhscore increased to 1454 (+20)
    12/04/2017211Mao Zedongscore increased to 2310 (+29)
    12/04/2017211-a new turn has begun. It is now 1505 AD
    12/04/2017211-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=2)
    • (id=4)
    • (id=6)
    • (id=8)
    • (id=9)
    • (id=10)
    • (id=12)
    12/01/2017210Tribhuwanalogged out
    12/01/2017210Tribhuwanascore increased to 3175 (+20)
    12/01/2017210Tribhuwanalogged in
    12/01/2017210Ho Chi Minhlogged out
    12/01/2017210Ho Chi Minhscore decreased to 1434 (-4)
    12/01/2017210Ho Chi Minhlogged in
    12/01/2017210Catherinescore increased to 1861 (+28)
    12/01/2017210Tribhuwanascore increased to 3155 (+23)
    12/01/2017210Solomonscore increased to 801 (+4)
    12/01/2017210Khomeiniscore increased to 2174 (+49)
    12/01/2017210Ho Chi Minhscore increased to 1438 (+4)
    12/01/2017210Mao Zedongscore increased to 2281 (+11)
    12/01/2017210-a new turn has begun. It is now 1500 AD
    12/01/2017210-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=2)
    11/29/2017210Catherinescore increased to 1861 (+28)
    11/29/2017210Tribhuwanascore increased to 3155 (+23)
    11/29/2017210Solomonscore increased to 801 (+4)
    11/29/2017210Khomeiniscore increased to 2174 (+49)
    11/29/2017210Ho Chi Minhscore increased to 1438 (+4)
    11/29/2017210Mao Zedongscore increased to 2281 (+11)
    11/29/2017210-a new turn has begun. It is now 1500 AD
    11/29/2017210-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=2)