Pitboss 80

Game End

Congratulations to Plemo of the Zulu-Reich
Image of winning player. In the year 1836 AD, Plemo led the Zulu-Reich people to a space race victory, and will be forever remembered as the greatest ruler in all of human history!

game status

game description

                Einstellungen, Regeln und Mod-Installation:

01.01.2018: Neue Mod-Version

player summary

11 PlemoShakaZulu-Reich3092offline
14 metalMehmed IIOsmanisches Reich3063offline
2 KAJoao IIPortugiesisches Reich2865offline
7 KSLKublai KhanMongolisches Reich2662offline
5 Rob4JPTokugawaJapanisches Reich2562offline
0 MikkoHatshepsutÄgyptisches Reich2471offline
1 CocoRicoBismarckDeutsches Reich2190offline
6 StroitWillem van OranjeHolländisches Reich1571offline
9 MenelorPacal IIMayareich1303offline
15 LotCBarbarianBarbarenreich1003offline
* 8 PhIIBoudicaKeltenreich0eliminated
* 4 TeeRohrChurchillEnglisches Reich0eliminated
* 13 FrozenDe GaulleFranzösisches Reich0eliminated
* 10 Rob4EnnosIsabellaSpanisches Reich0eliminated
* 3 ZiankaliPeterRussisches Reich0eliminated
* 12 LotC4MikkoQin Shi HuangChinesisches Kaiserreich0eliminated

game log

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    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 8:18 a.m.

    04/22/2018288Bismarcklogged out
    04/22/2018288-game paused by player.
    04/22/2018288Bismarcklogged in
    04/22/2018288Mehmed IIscore increased to 3063 (+38)
    04/22/2018288Shakascore increased to 3092 (+34)
    04/22/2018288Pacal IIscore increased to 1303 (+27)
    04/22/2018288Kublai Khanscore decreased to 2662 (-8)
    04/22/2018288Tokugawascore increased to 2562 (+32)
    04/22/2018288Joao IIscore increased to 2865 (+40)
    04/22/2018288Bismarckscore increased to 2190 (+10)
    04/22/2018288Hatshepsutscore increased to 2471 (+2)
    04/22/2018288-a new turn has begun. It is now 1836 AD
    04/22/2018288-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=0)
    • (id=1)
    • (id=2)
    • (id=5)
    • (id=6)
    • (id=7)
    • (id=9)
    • (id=11)
    • (id=14)
    • (id=15)
    04/20/2018287Mehmed IIscore increased to 3025 (+7)
    04/20/2018287Shakascore decreased to 3058 (-9)
    04/20/2018287Pacal IIscore increased to 1276 (+4)
    04/20/2018287Kublai Khanscore increased to 2670 (+2)
    04/20/2018287Tokugawascore increased to 2530 (+4)
    04/20/2018287Joao IIscore increased to 2825 (+39)
    04/20/2018287Bismarckscore increased to 2180 (+16)
    04/20/2018287Hatshepsutscore increased to 2469 (+39)
    04/20/2018287-a new turn has begun. It is now 1834 AD
    04/20/2018287-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=0)
    • (id=1)
    • (id=2)
    • (id=5)
    • (id=6)
    • (id=7)
    • (id=9)
    • (id=11)
    • (id=15)