Schattenring PB2

game status

game description

player summary

* 2 EmbraceBismarckDeutsches Reich4602unclaimed
* 4 BenniSuleimanOsmanisches Reich4516unclaimed
8 GerryHarald III.Nordreich4408offline
* 0 FelerianBrennusPraiosreich3646unclaimed
* 3 daLuizDalai LamaTibetisches Reich3513unclaimed
* 9 FeuerteufelMehmed IIPeacekeeper3174unclaimed
* 1 DasWieselKim Jong-ilKoreanisches Reich755unclaimed
* 10 SadoAugustus CaesarRömisches Reich0eliminated
* 5 BuntbuntGandhiIndisches Reich0eliminated
* 7 RonaldRonald ReaganReich an Fettsäuren0eliminated
* 6 RobVargasBrasilianisches Reich0eliminated

game log

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    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 9:22 p.m.

    10/05/2019398Mehmed IIscore increased to 3174 (+14)
    10/05/2019398Harald III.score increased to 4408 (+3)
    10/05/2019398Dalai Lamascore increased to 3513 (+1)
    10/05/2019398Brennusscore decreased to 3646 (-3)
    10/05/2019398-a new turn has begun. It is now 1978 AD
    10/05/2019398-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=8)
    10/04/2019397Mehmed IIscore increased to 3160 (+6)
    10/04/2019397Suleimanscore increased to 4516 (+30)
    10/04/2019397Dalai Lamascore decreased to 3512 (-3)
    10/04/2019397Bismarckscore increased to 4602 (+31)
    10/04/2019397Brennusscore increased to 3649 (+31)
    10/04/2019397-a new turn has begun. It is now 1977 AD
    10/04/2019397-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=8)
    07/13/2019398Brennuslogged out
    07/13/2019398Brennusfinished turn
    07/13/2019398Brennuslogged in
    07/13/2019398Dalai Lamafinished turn
    07/13/2019398Suleimanfinished turn
    07/13/2019398Suleimanscore increased to 6518 (+29)
    07/13/2019398Dalai Lamascore increased to 3530 (+28)
    07/13/2019398Bismarckscore increased to 5294 (+35)
    07/13/2019398Kim Jong-ilscore decreased to 714 (-1)
    07/13/2019398Brennusscore increased to 3289 (+3)
    07/13/2019398-a new turn has begun. It is now 1978 AD
    07/13/2019398-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=4)
    07/13/2019397Brennuslogged out
    07/13/2019397Brennusfinished turn
    07/13/2019397Brennuslogged in
    07/13/2019397Suleimanlogged out
    07/13/2019397Suleimanlogged in
    07/13/2019397Suleimanchanged name to Teus
    07/12/2019397Dalai Lamafinished turn
    07/12/2019397Dalai Lamascore increased to 3502 (+28)
    07/12/2019397Bismarckfinished turn
    07/12/2019397Bismarckscore increased to 5259 (+38)
    07/12/2019397Brennusscore increased to 3286 (+30)
    07/12/2019397-a new turn has begun. It is now 1977 AD
    07/12/2019397-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=2)