Realms Beyond 41

Game End

Congratulations to Rusten of the Celtic Empire
Image of winning player. In the year 1420 AD, Rusten led the Celtic Empire people to a domination victory, and will be forever remembered as the greatest ruler in all of human history!

game status

game description

                == RB41 ==
Server url:
Mod archive: RtR_4.0.8.5

Thread for server issues: Click

player summary

* 7 pindicatorGilgameshMalinese Empire2053offline
3 RustenSaladinCeltic Empire1996offline
* 2 GavagaiZara YaqobDutch Empire1576offline
* 5 Mr. CairoPericlesSumerian Empire1494offline
* 6 BGNMao ZedongBulldog Nation1276offline
* 4 naufragarSuryavarman IIBabylonian Empire1085offline
* 0 Donovan ZoiHannibalOttoman Empire0eliminated
* 1 superdeathIsabellaCarthaginian Empire0eliminated

game log

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    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 9:19 p.m.

    04/09/2019202-game saved by Ramkhamhaeng
    04/09/2019202-game saved by Ramkhamhaeng
    04/09/2019202Saladinlogged out
    04/09/2019202-game paused by player.
    04/09/2019202-game resumed by player.
    04/09/2019202Saladinlogged in
    04/07/2019202Mao Zedonglogged out
    04/07/2019202Mao Zedonglogged in
    04/06/2019202Saladinlogged out
    04/06/2019202-game paused by player.
    04/06/2019202Saladinlogged in
    04/06/2019202Saladinchanged name to Rusten
    04/06/2019202Saladinlogged out
    04/06/2019202Saladinlogged in
    04/06/2019202Saladinchanged name to Hitru
    04/06/2019202Gilgameshlogged out
    04/06/2019202Gilgameshfinished turn
    04/06/2019202Gilgameshchanged name to pindicator
    04/06/2019202Gilgameshlogged in
    04/06/2019202Suryavarman IIlogged out
    04/06/2019202Suryavarman IIfinished turn
    04/06/2019202Suryavarman IIscore decreased to 1085 (-7)
    04/06/2019202Suryavarman IIlogged in
    04/06/2019202Suryavarman IIlogged out
    04/06/2019202Suryavarman IIlogged in
    04/05/2019202Pericleslogged out
    04/05/2019202Periclesfinished turn
    04/05/2019202Pericleslogged in
    04/05/2019202Zara Yaqoblogged out
    04/05/2019202Zara Yaqobfinished turn
    04/05/2019202Mao Zedonglogged out
    04/05/2019202Mao Zedongfinished turn
    04/05/2019202Mao Zedonglogged in
    04/05/2019202Mao Zedongchanged name to BGN
    04/05/2019202Zara Yaqoblogged in
    04/05/2019202Saladinlogged out
    04/05/2019202Gilgameshscore increased to 2053 (+25)
    04/05/2019202Mao Zedongscore increased to 1276 (+4)
    04/05/2019202Periclesscore increased to 1494 (+24)
    04/05/2019202Suryavarman IIscore increased to 1092 (+10)
    04/05/2019202Saladinscore decreased to 1996 (-6)
    04/05/2019202Zara Yaqobscore increased to 1576 (+44)
    04/05/2019202-a new turn has begun. It is now 1420 AD
    04/05/2019201Saladinscore decreased to 2002 (-3)
    04/05/2019201Saladinscore decreased to 2005 (-3)
    04/05/2019201-game resumed by player.
    04/05/2019201Saladinlogged in
    04/05/2019201Suryavarman IIlogged out
    04/05/2019201Suryavarman IIfinished turn
    04/05/2019201Suryavarman IIlogged in
    04/05/2019201Suryavarman IIlogged out
    04/05/2019201Suryavarman IIlogged in
    04/04/2019201Mao Zedonglogged out
    04/04/2019201-game paused by player.
    04/04/2019201-game resumed by player.
    04/04/2019201-game paused by player.
    04/04/2019201Mao Zedonglogged in
    04/04/2019201Mao Zedongchanged name to pause for rustru
    04/04/2019201Gilgameshlogged out
    04/04/2019201Gilgameshfinished turn
    04/04/2019201Gilgameshlogged in
    04/04/2019201Gilgameshlogged out
    04/04/2019201Gilgameshlogged in
    04/04/2019201Suryavarman IIlogged out
    04/04/2019201Suryavarman IIscore decreased to 1082 (-7)
    04/04/2019201Suryavarman IIscore decreased to 1089 (-3)
    04/04/2019201Suryavarman IIlogged in
    04/04/2019201Suryavarman IIlogged out
    04/04/2019201Suryavarman IIlogged in
    04/03/2019201Pericleslogged out
    04/03/2019201Periclesfinished turn
    04/03/2019201Pericleslogged in
    04/03/2019201Mao Zedonglogged out
    04/03/2019201Mao Zedongfinished turn
    04/03/2019201Mao Zedonglogged in
    04/03/2019201Zara Yaqoblogged out
    04/03/2019201Zara Yaqobfinished turn
    04/03/2019201Zara Yaqoblogged in
    04/03/2019201Zara Yaqoblogged out
    04/03/2019201Zara Yaqoblogged in
    04/03/2019201Saladinlogged out
    04/03/2019201Gilgameshscore increased to 2028 (+9)
    04/03/2019201Mao Zedongscore increased to 1272 (+21)
    04/03/2019201Periclesscore increased to 1470 (+3)
    04/03/2019201Suryavarman IIscore increased to 1092 (+27)
    04/03/2019201Saladinscore increased to 2008 (+21)
    04/03/2019201Zara Yaqobscore increased to 1532 (+11)
    04/03/2019201-a new turn has begun. It is now 1410 AD