Realms Beyond 44

Game End

Congratulations to Gavagai of the Wonderland
Image of winning player. In the year 1605 AD, Gavagai led the Wonderland people to a domination victory, and will be forever remembered as the greatest ruler in all of human history!

game status

game description

                == RB44 ==
Server url:
Mod archive: PB Mod_v8

Thread for server issues: Click

Settings: See

player summary

3 GavagaiRagnarWonderland2892offline
1 IcehazardZara YaqobMongolian Empire2297offline
2 SuperdeathHannibalEverquest2263offline
4 CommodoreBrennusSpirits of Eberus1488offline
* 0 Donovan ZoiMao ZedongIncan Empire0eliminated
* 6 chumchuMehmed IIAztec Empire0eliminated
* 7 RegentManPeterRegentian Empire0eliminated
* 5 GeneralKilCavalryRooseveltSapient Oceans Supremacy0eliminated

game log

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    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 9:43 p.m.

    11/14/2019231-game saved by Ramkhamhaeng
    11/12/2019231Rooseveltlogged out
    11/12/2019231Rooseveltlogged in
    11/11/2019231-pause activated by superdeath
    11/11/2019231Brennusscore increased to 1488 (+20)
    11/11/2019231Ragnarscore increased to 2892 (+23)
    11/11/2019231Hannibalscore increased to 2263 (+7)
    11/11/2019231Zara Yaqobscore increased to 2297 (+7)
    11/11/2019231-a new turn has begun. It is now 1605 AD
    11/11/2019231-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=1)
    • (id=3)
    11/10/2019230Brennuslogged out
    11/10/2019230Brennusfinished turn
    11/10/2019230Brennuslogged in
    11/10/2019230Hanniballogged out
    11/10/2019230Hannibalfinished turn
    11/10/2019230Hanniballogged in
    11/10/2019230Ragnarlogged out
    11/10/2019230Brennusscore increased to 1468 (+7)
    11/10/2019230Ragnarscore increased to 2869 (+7)
    11/10/2019230Hannibalscore increased to 2256 (+30)
    11/10/2019230Zara Yaqobscore increased to 2290 (+13)
    11/10/2019230-a new turn has begun. It is now 1600 AD