Pitboss 66

Game End

Congratulations to Arabplayer of the Iran
Image of winning player. In the year 1840 AD, Arabplayer led the Iran people to a diplomatic victory, and will be forever remembered as the greatest ruler in all of human history!

game status

game description

                Continuation of/Fortsetzung von http://www.civstats.com/viewgame.php?gameid=2499

This game was won by Arabplayer (where Zulan kindly played the last rounds). Congratulations!
Arabplayer's story of this game (fr): http://univers-civilization.leforum.eu/t2993-La-revanche-de-l-Iran.htm

Four other Stories (de) can be found in http://www.civforum.de/showthread.php?92537-Index-der-Civilization-4-Mehrspielerstorys&p=6156715&viewfull=1#post6156715

player summary

5 ArabplayerDarius IIran3994offline
13 DulllandHammurabiBabylonisches Reich3651offline
9 FalkePacal IIMaya Empire2372offline
2 PennraugionKublai KhanMongolian Empire2237offline
* 0 MrPresidentHuayna CapacAndenreich1486unclaimed
* 3 lustiAsokaIndian Empire0eliminated
* 14 WeissbrotHannibalCarthaginian Empire0eliminated
* 17 HubablJoao IIPortuguese Empire0eliminated
* 6 placeboJustinian IByzantine Empire0eliminated
* 8 DEBMansa MusaMalinese Empire0eliminated
* 10 WhityMehmed IIBundesliga0eliminated
* 1 HorusPericlesHellenisches Reich0eliminated
* 7 EinNichtsPeterRussian Empire0eliminated
* 12 WaltherQin Shi HuangChinese Empire0eliminated
* 4 BobVictoriaReich der Engländer0eliminated
* 11 LeanderWang KonKorean Empire0eliminated
* 15 borggWillem van OranjeDutch Empire0eliminated
* 16 BigTschadZara YaqobEthiopian Empire0eliminated

game log

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    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 8:47 p.m.

    11/24/2015290-pause activated by unknown user
    11/23/2015290Hammurabiscore increased to 3651 (+19)
    11/23/2015290Pacal IIscore increased to 2372 (+10)
    11/23/2015290Darius Iscore increased to 3994 (+11)
    11/23/2015290Kublai Khanscore increased to 2237 (+7)
    11/23/2015290Huayna Capacscore increased to 1486 (+5)
    11/23/2015290-a new turn has begun. It is now 1840 AD
    11/23/2015290-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=13)
    11/23/2015289Pacal IIfinished turn
    11/23/2015289Darius Ifinished turn
    11/23/2015289Kublai Khanfinished turn
    11/19/2015289Hammurabiscore increased to 3632 (+19)
    11/19/2015289Pacal IIscore increased to 2362 (+13)
    11/19/2015289Darius Iscore increased to 3983 (+14)
    11/19/2015289Kublai Khanscore increased to 2230 (+32)
    11/19/2015289Huayna Capacscore increased to 1481 (+32)
    11/19/2015289-a new turn has begun. It is now 1838 AD
    11/19/2015289-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=2)
    • (id=9)
    • (id=13)