Realms Beyond 46

Game End

Congratulations to OH of the Global Defines
Image of winning player. In the year 1410 AD, OH led the Global Defines people to a domination victory, and will be forever remembered as the greatest ruler in all of human history!

game status

game description

                == RB46 ==
Server url:
Mod archive: RtR_4.1.1.6 (This Zip file should always contain the version which is active on the server. It might be differ from the version provided by Krill in this thread if he updates in the future…)

Settings, etc: Pitboss 46 IT and Tech Issues Thread

General thread for server issues: Click

Fix for unblocking of other players and faster login: Tiny modifications of Civ4:BTS itself

player summary

2 OHVictoriaGlobal Defines2642offline
7 RustenIsabellaIndian Empire2437offline
11 pindicatorPacal IIOriath Empire1874offline
5 CommodoreWang KonOld Zealand1599offline
8 TBWHannibalLittle England1598offline
0 CommodoreJulius CaesarSumerian Empire1558offline
13 SnorkStalinGerman Empire1474offline
3 GeneralKilCavalryDarius IAztec Empire1074offline
4 Dark SavantBismarckMorgan Industries610offline
* 12 SuperdeathBoudicaGeorge Carlin's career0eliminated
* 14 naufragarCharlemagneHoly Roman Empire0eliminated
* 15 ElkadChurchillNAE0eliminated
* 1 2metraninjaMao ZedongEthiopian Empire0eliminated
* 6 MouseferatuMehmed IIKhmer Empire0eliminated
* 9 naufragarShakaTBW Empire0eliminated
* 10 BorscheSuryavarman IIFat Empire0eliminated

game log

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    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 9:31 a.m.

    04/26/2020201Stalinscore increased to 1474 (+5)
    04/26/2020201Pacal IIscore increased to 1874 (+24)
    04/26/2020201Hannibalscore increased to 1598 (+10)
    04/26/2020201Isabellascore increased to 2437 (+24)
    04/26/2020201Wang Konscore increased to 1599 (+1)
    04/26/2020201Darius Iscore increased to 1074 (+4)
    04/26/2020201Victoriascore increased to 2642 (+34)
    04/26/2020201Julius Caesarscore increased to 1558 (+32)
    04/26/2020201-a new turn has begun. It is now 1410 AD
    04/26/2020201-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=0)
    • (id=2)
    • (id=3)
    • (id=4)
    • (id=5)
    • (id=7)
    • (id=8)
    • (id=11)
    • (id=13)
    04/25/2020200Stalinscore increased to 1469 (+8)
    04/25/2020200Pacal IIscore increased to 1850 (+44)
    04/25/2020200Hannibalscore increased to 1588 (+5)
    04/25/2020200Isabellascore increased to 2413 (+42)
    04/25/2020200Wang Konscore increased to 1598 (+15)
    04/25/2020200Bismarckscore increased to 610 (+2)
    04/25/2020200Darius Iscore increased to 1070 (+10)
    04/25/2020200Victoriascore increased to 2608 (+51)
    04/25/2020200Julius Caesarscore increased to 1526 (+54)
    04/25/2020200-a new turn has begun. It is now 1400 AD
    04/25/2020200-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=5)
    • (id=7)
    • (id=13)