Realms Beyond 47

Game End

Congratulations to AT of the NPR Empire
Image of winning player. In the year 1060 AD, AT led the NPR Empire people to a domination victory, and will be forever remembered as the greatest ruler in all of human history!

game status

game description

                Guinea Pig Stable

player summary

* 0 ATJustinian INPR Empire2370offline
* 3 Mr. CairoDe GaulleNative American Empire1956offline
1 KrillGandhiAztec Empire1719offline
4 SuperdeathBoudicaMongol Horde1456offline
* 2 Ruff_HiChurchillDOA0eliminated
* 5 GeneralKilCavalryPacal IICarthaginian Empire0eliminated

game log

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    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 9:23 p.m.

    02/04/2020166-game saved by Ramkhamhaeng
    02/04/2020166-game saved by Ramkhamhaeng
    02/02/2020166-pause activated by superdeath
    02/02/2020166Gandhilogged out
    02/02/2020166Gandhilogged in
    02/02/2020166Justinian Ilogged out
    02/02/2020166Justinian Ifinished turn
    02/02/2020166Justinian Iscore decreased to 2370 (-11)
    02/02/2020166Justinian Ilogged in
    02/02/2020166De Gaullelogged out
    02/02/2020166De Gaullefinished turn
    02/02/2020166Justinian Iscore decreased to 2381 (-15)
    02/02/2020166De Gaullelogged in
    02/02/2020166Boudicalogged out
    02/02/2020166Boudicascore increased to 1456 (+11)
    02/02/2020166De Gaullescore increased to 1956 (+18)
    02/02/2020166Gandhiscore increased to 1719 (+30)
    02/02/2020166Justinian Iscore increased to 2396 (+23)
    02/02/2020166-a new turn has begun. It is now 1060 AD
    02/02/2020165Boudicascore decreased to 1445 (-57)
    02/02/2020165Boudicalogged in
    02/02/2020165Justinian Ilogged out
    02/02/2020165Justinian Ifinished turn
    02/02/2020165Justinian Iscore decreased to 2373 (-34)
    02/02/2020165Justinian Iscore decreased to 2407 (-12)
    02/02/2020165Justinian Iscore decreased to 2419 (-12)
    02/02/2020165Justinian Iscore decreased to 2431 (-23)
    02/02/2020165Justinian Iscore decreased to 2454 (-23)
    02/02/2020165Boudicascore decreased to 1502 (-27)
    02/02/2020165Justinian Ilogged in
    02/01/2020165De Gaullelogged out
    02/01/2020165De Gaullefinished turn
    02/01/2020165De Gaullelogged in
    02/01/2020165Gandhilogged out
    02/01/2020165Gandhifinished turn
    02/01/2020165Gandhilogged in
    02/01/2020165Boudicalogged out
    02/01/2020165Boudicascore increased to 1529 (+23)
    02/01/2020165De Gaullescore increased to 1938 (+23)
    02/01/2020165Gandhiscore increased to 1689 (+23)
    02/01/2020165Justinian Iscore increased to 2477 (+35)
    02/01/2020165-a new turn has begun. It is now 1050 AD