Realms Beyond 49

Game End

Congratulations to FT of the Incan Empire
Image of winning player. In the year 1110 AD, FT led the Incan Empire people to a victory, and will be forever remembered as the greatest ruler in all of human history!

game status

game description

                === Server url ===
No password

2020-05-22: Changed port to 8049If it crashs during the login, check out if the mod is up to date!

=== Download links ===
Tools: Civ4BeyondSword2015.exe (Required for non-blocking of players)
BTS_Wrapper (Required for faster login)
=== Signups === Superdeath - GKC dedlurk Ruff_Hi Mr.Cairo Miguelito Raskolnikov- Rusten dedlurk Cornflakes Elkad Commodore === Settings Summary === 1) Mod Changes (vs. from PB46 + latest BUG) - privateers ---> optics+engineering - crossbows ---> back to vanilla - trebuchets ---> back to engineering - map trading ON at Paper - Leave treaty length at 5 turns 2) In-game options - Map size: Standard (technically a mapmaker setting) - Difficulty: Monarch - Speed: Normal - Era: Ancient - No tech trading - Barbarians on - Events on - No tribal villages 3) House rules - Standard no double moves / don't be a jerk / no clock games - Spies allowed - War/peace allowed

player summary

2 FTIsabellaIncan Empire2385offline
6 Ruff_HiMontezumaThe Dominion1163offline
3 CommodoreBoudicaJapanese Empire1136offline
4 CornflakesNapoleonBabylonian Empire1069offline
5 Mr. CairoMehmed IIPersian Empire620offline
* 0 RaskolnikovCatherineCarthaginian Empire0eliminated
* 8 ElkadJoao IIKhmer Empire0eliminated
* 1 MiguelitoJustinian IIndian Empire0eliminated
* 7 SuperdeathStalinRoman Empire0eliminated

game log

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    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 8:42 a.m.

    08/15/2020171Montezumascore increased to 1163 (+16)
    08/15/2020171Napoleonscore increased to 1069 (+22)
    08/15/2020171Boudicascore increased to 1136 (+34)
    08/15/2020171Isabellascore increased to 2385 (+20)
    08/15/2020171-a new turn has begun. It is now 1110 AD
    08/15/2020171-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=2)
    • (id=3)
    • (id=4)
    • (id=5)
    • (id=6)
    08/14/2020170Montezumascore increased to 1147 (+9)
    08/14/2020170Mehmed IIscore increased to 620 (+17)
    08/14/2020170Napoleonscore increased to 1047 (+8)
    08/14/2020170Boudicascore increased to 1102 (+17)
    08/14/2020170Isabellascore increased to 2365 (+23)
    08/14/2020170-a new turn has begun. It is now 1100 AD
    08/14/2020170-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=2)
    • (id=3)
    • (id=4)
    • (id=5)
    • (id=6)