Realms Beyond 60

Game End

Congratulations to Amicalola of the Maritime Empire
Image of winning player. In the year 1320 AD, Amicalola led the Maritime Empire people to a domination victory, and will be forever remembered as the greatest ruler in all of human history!

game status

game description

                Pitboss game of Realms Beyond: One Last Covid Quicky?

Server url: , no password

Mod: You need the mod 'CloseToHome_2.0' for joining in this game.
Current used version: CloseToHome_2.0 (incl. Update 2 April, 2021)
Note that this is the same mod as RB59 uses. Every update of the mod will affect both games.
Charriu's development thread for this version: Here
Unzip the file into the mods folder of Civ4:BTS (not into 'My Games\Beyond the Sword'!!!) and edit the shortcut for the game start to "[…]\Beyond the Sword\BTS_Wrapper.exe" mod= "CloseToHome_2.0" or "[…]\Beyond the Sword\Civ4BeyondSword2015.exe" mod="CloseToHome_2.0" Settings: See forum thread

Civ4BeyondSword2015.exe (Required for non-blocking of players)
BTS_Wrapper (Required for faster login)

player summary

0 MjmdAugustus CaesarIndian Empire1offline
2 SuperdeathCatherineEgyptian Empire1offline
5 JowyDarius IPenguin Logistics1offline
4 LazteuqJustinian IMaya Empire1offline
3 AmicalolaLieu-YeMaritime Empire1offline
* 1 ZooperPooperKublai KhanRoman Empire0eliminated

game log

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    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 1:53 a.m.

    09/20/2021192Augustus Caesarlogged out
    09/20/2021192-game paused by player.
    09/20/2021192Augustus Caesarlogged in
    09/20/2021192Darius Ilogged out
    09/20/2021192Darius Ilogged in
    09/20/2021192Lieu-Yelogged out
    09/20/2021192-a new turn has begun. It is now 1320 AD
    09/20/2021191Lieu-Yelogged in
    09/20/2021191Lieu-Yechanged name to Amicalola
    09/20/2021191Lieu-Yelogged out
    09/20/2021191Lieu-Yelogged in
    09/20/2021191Lieu-Yelogged out
    09/20/2021191Lieu-Yelogged in
    09/20/2021191Lieu-Yechanged name to Vanrober
    09/19/2021191Darius Ilogged out
    09/19/2021191Darius Ifinished turn
    09/19/2021191Darius Ilogged in
    09/19/2021191Catherinelogged out
    09/19/2021191Catherinefinished turn
    09/19/2021191Catherinelogged in
    09/19/2021191Justinian Ilogged out
    09/19/2021191Justinian Ifinished turn
    09/19/2021191Justinian Ilogged in
    09/19/2021191Augustus Caesarlogged out
    09/19/2021191Augustus Caesarfinished turn
    09/19/2021191Augustus Caesarlogged in
    09/19/2021191Augustus Caesarlogged out
    09/19/2021191Augustus Caesarlogged in
    09/19/2021191-current turn timer changed by +15h 59m to 33h 54m.
    09/19/2021191Lieu-Yelogged out
    09/19/2021191-a new turn has begun. It is now 1310 AD