Realms Beyond 75

Game End

Congratulations to Mjmd` of the Indian Empire
Image of winning player. In the year 1836 AD, Mjmd` led the Indian Empire people to a victory, and will be forever remembered as the greatest ruler in all of human history!

game status

game description

                === Connection details ===
Server url:, No password
Join over the 'Multiplayer > Direct IP' panel in the game.

=== Mod links ===
This game runs with the same mod as RB74. Download: RB74

=== Mod folder === Extract the zip archives of mods always into following folder
[…]\Beyond the Sword\Mods\ (Steam-free version) or
[…]\Steam\SteamApps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beyond the Sword\Beyond the Sword\Mods (Steam version)

=== Game start with mod === Do not select the mod after the startup in the ingame menu, but directly start the game with the desired modification. (Otherwise the wrapper, see below, will not work as expected. For this you need to create a shortcut (right mouse click on the binary) and then changing the target field of this shortcut to

"[…]\Beyond the Sword\BTS_Wrapper.exe" mod= "RB74" or "[…]\Beyond the Sword\Civ4BeyondSword2015.exe" mod="RB74"

========= Tools =========

See PBSpy page for RB64

player summary

* 0 scooterAsokaEgyptian Empire1offline
* 8 GTBoudicaEthiopian Empire1offline
* 3 greenlineCatherineCiv6ian Empire1offline
* 7 RicketyclikHuayna CapacIncan Empire1offline
2 SuperdeathKublai KhanRoman Empire1offline
* 5 coldrainNapoleonOur Fish Means Death1offline
1 Mjmd`Nebuchadnezzar IIIndian Empire1offline
6 naufragarSuleimanMoralintern1offline
9 ljubljanaTokugawaNew Zululand1offline
4 civacWashingtonOttoman Empire1offline

game log

Change game log filter

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Saved filters

    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 9:29 p.m.

    10/13/2024288Nebuchadnezzar IIlogged out
    10/13/2024288Nebuchadnezzar IIlogged in
    10/09/2024288Suleimanlogged out
    10/09/2024288Suleimanlogged in
    10/03/2024288Nebuchadnezzar IIlogged out
    10/03/2024288-game paused by player.
    10/03/2024288Nebuchadnezzar IIlogged in
    10/03/2024288-a new turn has begun. It is now 1836 AD
    10/03/2024288-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=1)
    • (id=2)
    • (id=4)
    • (id=6)
    • (id=9)
    10/03/2024287-current turn timer changed by -12h 18m to 0h 01m.
    10/03/2024287-pause deactivated by Mjmd
    10/02/2024287-pause activated by superdeath
    10/02/2024287Nebuchadnezzar IIlogged out
    10/02/2024287Nebuchadnezzar IIlogged in
    10/01/2024287-a new turn has begun. It is now 1834 AD
    10/01/2024287-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=1)
    • (id=9)