kek 3

Game End

Congratulations to Frane of the Western Hegemony
Image of winning player. In 1735 AD Frane and K8 led the Western Hegemony to a Domination Victory and will be forever remembered as the greatest rulers in all of human history!

game status

game description

Mod is patched with

Continuation of

Previous games:
- kek 2
- kek


player summary

8 ninjasElizabethEnglish Empire3295offline
13 FraneHuayna CapacWestern Hegemony2889offline
9 K8CatherineWestern Hegemony2790offline
* 0 Mansa MusaMansa MusaMalinese Empire1566unclaimed
* 6 HannibalHannibalCarthaginian Empire1413unclaimed
* 16 RagnarRagnarViking Empire1273unclaimed
* 10 Zara YaqobZara YaqobEthiopian Empire1193unclaimed
* 4 MarinoWang KonKorean Empire1116unclaimed
17 dejakBrennusCeltic Empire903offline
15 WinterfoxWillem van OranjeDutch Empire832offline
* 26 WinterfoxGenghis KhanMongolian Empire224offline
* 33 RepresentativeBismarckGerman Empire221offline
* 23 George BushLincolnAmerican Empire221offline
* 27 Zara YaqobZara YaqobEthiopian Empire212unclaimed
* 22 HammurabiHammurabiBabylonian Empire174unclaimed
* 29 Augustus CaesarAugustus CaesarRoman Empire172unclaimed
* 24 ChurchillChurchillEnglish Empire170unclaimed
* 19 Wang KonWang KonKorean Empire167unclaimed
* 32 Suryavarman IISuryavarman IIKhmer Empire157unclaimed
* 30 ShakaShakaZulu Empire149unclaimed
* 18 AsokaAsokaIndian Empire146unclaimed
* 25 Justinian IJustinian IByzantine Empire143unclaimed
* 28 Sitting BullSitting BullNative American Empire143unclaimed
* 21 HannibalHannibalCarthaginian Empire140unclaimed
* 31 Joao IIJoao IIPortuguese Empire136unclaimed
* 14 David Phreak TurleyAsokaLiga Legendi0eliminated
* 2 RecisipHammurabiBabylonian Empire0eliminated
* 1 IsabellaIsabellaSpanish Empire0eliminated
* 12 Joao IIJoao IIPortuguese Empire0eliminated
* 5 Justinian IJustinian IByzantine Empire0eliminated
* 20 NapoleonNapoleonFrench Empire0eliminated
* 7 RooseveltRooseveltAmerican Empire0eliminated
* 3 Jefferson DavisSaladinArabian Empire0eliminated
* 11 Suryavarman IISuryavarman IIKhmer Empire0eliminated

game log

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    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 6:04 a.m.

    10/30/2016257-a game named asd was started with 18 players.
    10/30/2016257-a game named asd was started with 18 players.
    10/30/2016257-a new turn has begun. It is now 1735 AD
    10/30/2016257-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=16)
    10/30/2016257-a game named asd was started with 18 players.
    05/09/2016257-game saved by DarkLunaPhantom
    05/09/2016257-a new turn has begun. It is now 1735 AD
    05/09/2016256-a new turn has begun. It is now 1730 AD
    05/09/2016256-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=17)