
Game End

Congratulations to A Clockwork Orange of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands
Image of winning player. In 1712 AD A Clockwork Orange led the United Kingdom of the Netherlands to a Historical Victory and will be forever remembered as the greatest ruler in all of human history!

game status

game description

Mod is http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=248164 patched with http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=550573.

Continuation of http://www.civstats.com/viewgame.php?gameid=2883

Previous game:
- kek 3

player summary

19 A Clockwork OrangeWillem van OranjeUnited Kingdom of the Netherlands1125offline
* 25 SuleimanSuleimanOttoman Caliphate1111unclaimed
* 14 IsabellaIsabellaSpanish Empire1011unclaimed
17 ninjasOtto IHoly Roman Empire953unclaimed
* 1 AsokaAsokaIndian Maharajate931unclaimed
* 16 VictoriaVictoriaCommonwealth of England892unclaimed
* 18 CatherineCatherineIslamic Tsardom of Russia890unclaimed
* 13 Suryavarman IISuryavarman IIKhmer Empire804unclaimed
* 12 SaladinSaladinCaliphate of Arabia718unclaimed
* 23 Kublai KhanKublai KhanMongol Empire690unclaimed
* 5 Darius IDarius IEyalet of Sharazor687unclaimed
* 8 TokugawaTokugawaJapanese Shogunate678unclaimed
11 dejakRagnarIslamic Viking Union654unclaimed
* 27 Independent LeaderIndependent LeaderIndependent Cities409unclaimed
* 28 Independent LeaderIndependent LeaderIndependent Cities400unclaimed
* 29 Native LeaderNative LeaderNative peoples135unclaimed
* 4 AlexanderAlexanderIslamic Greek Empire0eliminated
* 7 Augustus CaesarAugustus CaesarRoman Empire0eliminated
* 30 BrennusBrennusCeltic peoples0eliminated
* 3 HammurabiHammurabiBabylonian Empire0eliminated
* 6 HannibalHannibalCarthaginian Empire0eliminated
* 22 Huayna CapacHuayna CapacIncan Region0eliminated
* 21 Joao IIJoao IIKingdom of Portugal0eliminated
* 15 Louis XIVLouis XIVIslamic Kingdom of France0eliminated
* 20 Mansa MusaMansa MusaMalinese Empire0eliminated
* 2 Ming Tai ZuMing Tai ZuMiddle Country of China0eliminated
* 24 MontezumaMontezumaAztec Alliance0eliminated
* 10 Pacal IIPacal IIMayan City-States0eliminated
* 0 Ramesses IIRamesses IIEgyptian New Kingdom0eliminated
* 26 WashingtonWashingtonAmerican Peoples0eliminated
* 9 Zara YaqobZara YaqobIslamic Kingdom of Ethiopia0eliminated

game log

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    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 8:34 a.m.

    04/16/2016325Willem van Oranjeclaimed
    04/16/2016325Otto Ilogged out
    04/16/2016325Otto Ilogged in
    04/16/2016325Otto Ichanged name to ninjas
    04/16/2016325Otto Iclaimed
    04/16/2016325Ragnarchanged name to dejak
    04/16/2016325Willem van Oranjelogged out
    04/16/2016325Willem van Oranjelogged in
    04/16/2016325Willem van Oranjechanged name to A Clockwork Orange
    04/16/2016325Willem van Oranjeclaimed
    04/16/2016325Suryavarman IIscore increased to 804 (+3)
    04/16/2016325Willem van Oranjechanged name to Willem van Oranje
    04/16/2016325Otto Ichanged name to Otto I
    04/16/2016325Ragnarlogged out
    04/16/2016325Ragnarchanged name to Ragnar
    04/16/2016325Native Leaderscore increased to 135 (+2)
    04/16/2016325Independent Leaderscore increased to 400 (+3)
    04/16/2016325Suleimanscore increased to 1111 (+11)
    04/16/2016325Kublai Khanscore increased to 690 (+4)
    04/16/2016325Willem van Oranjescore increased to 1125 (+48)
    04/16/2016325Catherinescore increased to 890 (+19)
    04/16/2016325Otto Iscore increased to 953 (+11)
    04/16/2016325Isabellascore increased to 1011 (+1)
    04/16/2016325Suryavarman IIscore increased to 801 (+6)
    04/16/2016325Saladinscore decreased to 718 (-5)
    04/16/2016325Ragnarlogged in
    04/16/2016325Tokugawascore increased to 678 (+5)
    04/16/2016325Darius Iscore increased to 687 (+2)
    04/16/2016325Asokascore increased to 931 (+5)
    04/16/2016325-a new turn has begun. It is now 1712 AD
    04/16/2016325-the following players did not finished their turn:
    • (id=11)
    04/16/2016324Willem van Oranjelogged out
    04/16/2016324Willem van Oranjefinished turn
    04/16/2016324Willem van Oranjelogged in
    04/16/2016324Willem van Oranjeclaimed
    04/16/2016324Suleimanscore increased to 1100 (+24)
    04/16/2016324Willem van Oranjescore increased to 1077 (+14)
    04/16/2016324Catherinescore increased to 871 (+5)
    04/16/2016324Otto Ilogged out
    04/16/2016324Otto Ifinished turn
    04/16/2016324Otto Iscore increased to 942 (+27)
    04/16/2016324Isabellascore increased to 1010 (+3)
    04/16/2016324Suryavarman IIscore increased to 795 (+3)
    04/16/2016324Ragnarscore increased to 654 (+3)
    04/16/2016324Darius Iscore increased to 685 (+25)
    04/16/2016324Asokascore increased to 926 (+19)
    04/16/2016324-a new turn has begun. It is now 1709 AD