Realms Beyond 51

Game End

Congratulations to Plemo of the Dutch Empire
Image of winning player. In the year 1100 AD, Plemo led the Dutch Empire people to a domination victory, and will be forever remembered as the greatest ruler in all of human history!

game status

game description

                Base Civ4:BTS game

=== Server url ===
No password

== Mod install instructions ==
You need the mod 'PB Mod_v9' for joining in this game.
A short installation description can be found in this post

== Players ==
0 Plemo Ragnar/Netherlands
1 El Grillo Hannibal/Egypt
2 Ramkhamhaeng Wang Kon/Mali
3 Mjmd Elizabeth/Korea
4 Amicalola Mao Zedong/Inca
5 Lazteuq Pericles/France
6 Vanrober Kublai Khan/Zulu 
7 Giraflorens Rameses II / Persia
8 GeneralKilCavalry Napoleon/INDIA
9 Superdeath Shaka/Rome

== Settings ==
Fractal Pangaea with lots of lakes that looks kind of like a fritter...
Monarch level
Mapsize and other settings at mapmaker's discretion.
No villages, events, vassal states, technology trading.
Normal barbs
All scout and no war until 25

== Bans ==
AP resolutions, blockades, active espionage (espionage is enabled in settings but no spies can be built; no limits on Great Spies), nukes, War Elephants, city and unit gifting (including city transfer as a part of a peace treaty).
GLH, SoZ, Corporations.

== Rules ==
AI Diplo. No communication with other players in respect to in-game events other than offers in trade window. No use of texts, city names, unit names, numbers (specific amounts of gold) to communicate.
Otherwise, please follow etiquette rules as described in this thread.

player summary

* 0 PlemoRagnarDutch Empire1627offline
* 5 LazteuqPericlesFrench Empire1323offline
* 1 El GrilloHannibalEgyptian Empire1300offline
* 2 RamkhamhaengWang KonMalinese Empire1120offline
9 SuperdeathShakaRoman Empire727offline
* 8 ZooperPooperNapoleonIndian Empire665offline
* 6 VanroberKublai KhanZulu Empire440offline
3 MjmdElizabethKorean Empire300offline
* 4 AmicalolaMao ZedongIncan Empire0eliminated
* 7 GiraRamesses IIPersian Empire0eliminated

game log

Change game log filter

Save current filter

Saved filters

    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 8:59 p.m.

    08/27/2020170-game saved by Ramkhamhaeng
    08/24/2020170Elizabethlogged out
    08/24/2020170Elizabethlogged in
    08/23/2020170-pause activated by superdeath
    08/23/2020170Ragnarlogged out
    08/23/2020170Ragnarfinished turn
    08/23/2020170Ragnarlogged in
    08/23/2020170Wang Konlogged out
    08/23/2020170Wang Konfinished turn
    08/23/2020170Kublai Khanscore decreased to 440 (-44)
    08/23/2020170Wang Konscore increased to 1120 (+14)
    08/23/2020170Wang Konlogged in
    08/23/2020170Ragnarlogged out
    08/23/2020170Ragnarlogged in
    08/23/2020170Kublai Khanlogged out
    08/23/2020170Kublai Khanfinished turn
    08/23/2020170Kublai Khanlogged in
    08/23/2020170Ragnarlogged out
    08/23/2020170Ragnarscore decreased to 1627 (-3)
    08/23/2020170Ragnarscore decreased to 1630 (-14)
    08/23/2020170Ragnarscore decreased to 1644 (-3)
    08/23/2020170Ragnarscore decreased to 1647 (-4)
    08/23/2020170Ragnarscore decreased to 1651 (-3)
    08/23/2020170Ragnarscore decreased to 1654 (-11)
    08/23/2020170Ragnarscore decreased to 1665 (-3)
    08/23/2020170Ragnarlogged in
    08/23/2020170Napoleonlogged out
    08/23/2020170Napoleonscore decreased to 665 (-7)
    08/23/2020170Napoleonscore decreased to 672 (-3)
    08/23/2020170Napoleonlogged in
    08/23/2020170Napoleonlogged out
    08/23/2020170Napoleonfinished turn
    08/23/2020170Napoleonlogged in
    08/23/2020170Napoleonchanged name to ZooperPooper
    08/23/2020170Hanniballogged out
    08/23/2020170Hannibalfinished turn
    08/23/2020170Hanniballogged in
    08/23/2020170Elizabethlogged out
    08/23/2020170Hanniballogged out
    08/23/2020170Elizabethscore decreased to 300 (-7)
    08/23/2020170Hanniballogged in
    08/23/2020170Elizabethscore decreased to 307 (-3)
    08/23/2020170Elizabethlogged in
    08/23/2020170Pericleslogged out
    08/23/2020170Periclesfinished turn
    08/23/2020170Pericleslogged in
    08/23/2020170Shakalogged out
    08/23/2020170Shakascore increased to 727 (+25)
    08/23/2020170Napoleonscore increased to 675 (+16)
    08/23/2020170Kublai Khanscore increased to 484 (+10)
    08/23/2020170Periclesscore increased to 1323 (+58)
    08/23/2020170Elizabethscore increased to 310 (+3)
    08/23/2020170Wang Konscore increased to 1106 (+10)
    08/23/2020170Hannibalscore increased to 1300 (+27)
    08/23/2020170Ragnarscore increased to 1668 (+55)
    08/23/2020170-a new turn has begun. It is now 1100 AD
    08/23/2020169Shakalogged in
    08/22/2020169Ragnarlogged out
    08/22/2020169Ragnarfinished turn
    08/22/2020169Ragnarscore decreased to 1613 (-7)
    08/22/2020169Napoleonscore decreased to 659 (-11)
    08/22/2020169Ragnarscore increased to 1620 (+7)
    08/22/2020169Ragnarscore decreased to 1613 (-7)
    08/22/2020169Ragnarscore decreased to 1620 (-7)
    08/22/2020169Ragnarscore decreased to 1627 (-3)
    08/22/2020169Ragnarscore decreased to 1630 (-4)
    08/22/2020169Ragnarscore decreased to 1634 (-3)
    08/22/2020169Ragnarscore decreased to 1637 (-76)
    08/22/2020169Ragnarlogged in
    08/22/2020169Pericleslogged out
    08/22/2020169Periclesfinished turn
    08/22/2020169Periclesscore decreased to 1265 (-4)
    08/22/2020169Periclesscore decreased to 1269 (-7)
    08/22/2020169Napoleonlogged out
    08/22/2020169Napoleonfinished turn
    08/22/2020169Pericleslogged in
    08/22/2020169Napoleonlogged in
    08/22/2020169Wang Konlogged out
    08/22/2020169Wang Konlogged in
    08/22/2020169Hanniballogged out
    08/22/2020169Hannibalfinished turn
    08/22/2020169Hannibalscore decreased to 1273 (-7)
    08/22/2020169Hannibalscore decreased to 1280 (-10)
    08/22/2020169Hannibalscore decreased to 1290 (-4)
    08/22/2020169Wang Konfinished turn
    08/22/2020169Wang Konlogged out
    08/22/2020169Hannibalscore increased to 1294 (+4)
    08/22/2020169Hanniballogged in
    08/22/2020169Wang Konlogged in
    08/22/2020169Wang Konlogged out
    08/22/2020169Wang Konscore decreased to 1096 (-10)
    08/22/2020169Kublai Khanscore decreased to 474 (-27)
    08/22/2020169Wang Konscore increased to 1106 (+13)
    08/22/2020169Wang Konlogged in
    08/22/2020169Kublai Khanlogged out
    08/22/2020169Kublai Khanfinished turn
    08/22/2020169Kublai Khanlogged in
    08/22/2020169Elizabethlogged out
    08/22/2020169Elizabethfinished turn
    08/22/2020169Elizabethlogged in
    08/22/2020169Shakascore increased to 702 (+18)
    08/22/2020169Napoleonscore increased to 670 (+21)
    08/22/2020169Kublai Khanscore increased to 501 (+13)
    08/22/2020169Periclesscore increased to 1276 (+49)
    08/22/2020169Wang Konscore increased to 1093 (+15)
    08/22/2020169Hannibalscore increased to 1290 (+21)
    08/22/2020169Ragnarlogged out
    08/22/2020169Ragnarscore increased to 1713 (+41)
    08/22/2020169-a new turn has begun. It is now 1090 AD