Pitboss 94

game status

game description

                Url: pb.zulan.net:2094
Mod: PB_PAE_6.17

player summary

* 4 PiccadillyZenobia of PhoeniciaPhoenicians235offline
0 xist10Julius Caesar the RomanRomans221offline
1 shadeHannibal of CarthageCarthaginians204offline
3 RobCleopatra of EgyptEgyptians190online
* 13 Akhenaten of EgyptAkhenaten of EgyptEgyptians177unclaimed
* 15 Sargon of SumerSargon of SumerSumerians168unclaimed
* 6 Adherbal of NumidiaAdherbal of NumidiaNumidians167unclaimed
2 Markus1978Pericles the GreekGreeks165offline
* 17 Divico the AquitanianDivico the CeltAquitani157unclaimed
* 5 DanielCorocotta of IberiaIberians156offline
* 16 Vercingetorix the GaulVercingetorix the GaulGauls156unclaimed
* 8 Teuta of IllyriaTeuta of IllyriaIllyrians154unclaimed
* 10 Alexander the GreatAlexander the GreatMacedonians151unclaimed
* 11 Shishonk of LibyaShishonk of LibyaLibyans141unclaimed
* 9 Bocchus the BerberBocchus the BerberBerbers135unclaimed
* 12 Constantine the RomanConstantine the RomanRomans133unclaimed
* 14 Saul the HebrewSaul the HebrewHebrews113unclaimed
* 7 Tyrrhenus the EtruscanTyrrhenus the EtruscanEtruscans0eliminated

game log

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    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 1:38 a.m.

    11/23/2024 00:37:52129-a new turn has begun. It is now 3210 BC
    11/22/2024 09:23:09128-a new turn has begun. It is now 3220 BC