kek 8
game status
game description
player summary
⌛ | Id | Name | Leader | Nation | Score | Status | |
* | 5 | doklen | Brennus | ✖ | Ottomans | 461 | offline |
* | 17 | Saladin | Saladin | ✖ | Arabian Empire | 427 | unclaimed |
* | 23 | Pacal II | Pacal II | ✖ | Byzantine Empire | 404 | unclaimed |
13 | Leto II | Mehmed II | ✖ | Incan Empire | 381 | offline | |
* | 12 | msmgt | Suryavarman II | ✖ | Mali | 378 | offline |
* | 4 | DarkLunaPhantom | Hammurabi | ✖ | Greece | 350 | offline |
* | 3 | Hatshepsut | Hatshepsut | ✖ | Portuguese Empire | 350 | unclaimed |
* | 1 | Tuc | Elizabeth | ✖ | Viking Empire | 343 | offline |
* | 22 | Julius Caesar | Julius Caesar | ✖ | Egyptian Empire | 338 | unclaimed |
* | 10 | Willem van Oranje | Willem van Oranje | ✖ | Celtic Empire | 315 | unclaimed |
6 | Lukezy | Gandhi | ✖ | American Empire | 298 | offline | |
* | 21 | Joao II | Joao II | ✖ | Roman Empire | 298 | unclaimed |
* | 2 | RecisipGG | Peter | ✖ | Zulu Empire | 292 | unclaimed |
* | 24 | Justinian I | Justinian I | ✖ | Maya Empire | 272 | unclaimed |
* | 0 | Legendica | Darius I | ✖ | Persian Empire | 271 | offline |
19 | ljudek | Frederick | ✖ | Babylonian Empire | 265 | online | |
* | 9 | Huayna Capac | Huayna Capac | ✖ | German Empire | 241 | unclaimed |
7 | Winterfox | Victoria | ✖ | Holy Rome | 230 | offline | |
* | 15 | dejak | Washington | ✖ | Mongolian Empire | 192 | offline |
* | 8 | yann | Asoka | ✖ | Korean Empire | 180 | unclaimed |
* | 18 | Zhan Pijer | Shaka | ✖ | French Empire | 162 | unclaimed |
* | 14 | Kublai Khan | Kublai Khan | ✖ | Native American Empire | 154 | unclaimed |
* | 20 | Bismarck | Bismarck | ✖ | Russian Empire | 0 | eliminated |
* | 11 | Cyrus | Cyrus | ✖ | Dutch Empire | 0 | eliminated |
* | 16 | megafresh | Tokugawa | ✖ | Chinese Empire | 0 | eliminated |
game log
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Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin
Server time: 9:09 p.m.
Time | Turn | Player | Event |
03/01/2025 21:08:31 | 98 | ljudek | logged in |
03/01/2025 19:02:23 | 98 | Legendica | logged out |
03/01/2025 18:54:25 | 98 | Legendica | finished turn |
03/01/2025 18:04:20 | 98 | DarkLunaPhantom | logged out |
03/01/2025 18:00:06 | 98 | DarkLunaPhantom | finished turn |
03/01/2025 17:55:51 | 98 | DarkLunaPhantom | score increased to 350 (+2) |
03/01/2025 17:44:59 | 98 | msmgt | logged out |
03/01/2025 17:44:59 | 98 | DarkLunaPhantom | logged in |
03/01/2025 17:43:48 | 98 | msmgt | finished turn |
03/01/2025 17:27:29 | 98 | Bismarck | eliminated |
03/01/2025 17:27:29 | 98 | msmgt | score increased to 378 (+4) |
03/01/2025 17:24:47 | 98 | msmgt | logged in |
03/01/2025 16:54:15 | 98 | doklen | logged out |
03/01/2025 16:53:14 | 98 | doklen | score decreased to 461 (-3) |
03/01/2025 16:51:42 | 98 | doklen | finished turn |
03/01/2025 16:47:08 | 98 | doklen | logged in |
03/01/2025 16:38:09 | 98 | Legendica | logged in |
03/01/2025 16:33:56 | 98 | Tuc | logged out |
03/01/2025 16:30:53 | 98 | RecisipGG | score increased to 292 (+12) |
03/01/2025 16:29:32 | 98 | Tuc | finished turn |
03/01/2025 16:27:50 | 98 | Tuc | logged in |
03/01/2025 15:56:46 | 98 | dejak | logged out |
03/01/2025 15:56:46 | 98 | dejak | finished turn |
03/01/2025 15:56:36 | 98 | Justinian I | score increased to 272 (+14) |
03/01/2025 15:56:36 | 98 | Pacal II | score increased to 404 (+3) |
03/01/2025 15:56:36 | 98 | Julius Caesar | score increased to 338 (+15) |
03/01/2025 15:56:36 | 98 | Joao II | score increased to 298 (+2) |
03/01/2025 15:56:36 | 98 | Bismarck | score decreased to 111 (-2) |
03/01/2025 15:56:36 | 98 | ljudek | score increased to 265 (+2) |
03/01/2025 15:56:36 | 98 | Saladin | score increased to 427 (+22) |
03/01/2025 15:56:36 | 98 | dejak | score increased to 192 (+2) |
03/01/2025 15:56:36 | 98 | Willem van Oranje | score decreased to 315 (-2) |
03/01/2025 15:56:36 | 98 | Lukezy | score increased to 298 (+10) |
03/01/2025 15:56:36 | 98 | doklen | score increased to 464 (+1) |
03/01/2025 15:56:36 | 98 | Hatshepsut | score increased to 350 (+17) |
03/01/2025 15:56:36 | 98 | RecisipGG | score increased to 280 (+7) |
03/01/2025 15:56:25 | 98 | - | a new turn has begun. It is now 425 BC |
03/01/2025 14:46:44 | 97 | dejak | logged in |
03/01/2025 03:07:51 | 97 | Tuc | logged out |
03/01/2025 03:04:38 | 97 | Tuc | finished turn |
03/01/2025 03:03:16 | 97 | Tuc | logged in |
02/28/2025 19:15:18 | 97 | DarkLunaPhantom | logged out |
02/28/2025 19:14:38 | 97 | DarkLunaPhantom | finished turn |
02/28/2025 19:06:09 | 97 | Saladin | score increased to 405 (+12) |
02/28/2025 19:06:09 | 97 | DarkLunaPhantom | score increased to 348 (+18) |
02/28/2025 18:58:00 | 97 | DarkLunaPhantom | logged in |
02/28/2025 18:29:08 | 97 | ljudek | logged out |
02/28/2025 18:29:08 | 97 | ljudek | finished turn |
02/28/2025 17:58:47 | 97 | ljudek | logged in |
02/28/2025 15:24:36 | 97 | Legendica | logged out |
02/28/2025 15:19:41 | 97 | msmgt | logged out |
02/28/2025 15:14:04 | 97 | Legendica | finished turn |
02/28/2025 15:13:54 | 97 | msmgt | finished turn |
02/28/2025 14:57:27 | 97 | msmgt | logged in |
02/28/2025 13:47:46 | 97 | Winterfox | logged out |
02/28/2025 13:47:36 | 97 | Winterfox | finished turn |
02/28/2025 13:46:05 | 97 | Winterfox | logged in |
02/28/2025 13:23:22 | 97 | Legendica | logged in |
02/28/2025 12:47:55 | 97 | Lukezy | logged out |
02/28/2025 12:33:42 | 97 | Lukezy | finished turn |
02/28/2025 12:30:39 | 97 | Lukezy | score decreased to 288 (-2) |
02/28/2025 12:27:45 | 97 | Lukezy | logged in |
02/28/2025 11:19:01 | 97 | doklen | logged out |
02/28/2025 11:16:58 | 97 | doklen | score decreased to 463 (-3) |
02/28/2025 11:16:48 | 97 | doklen | score decreased to 466 (-2) |
02/28/2025 11:16:27 | 97 | doklen | finished turn |
02/28/2025 11:11:23 | 97 | doklen | logged in |
02/28/2025 01:45:51 | 97 | Leto II | logged out |
02/28/2025 01:43:59 | 97 | Leto II | finished turn |
02/28/2025 01:39:24 | 97 | Justinian I | score increased to 258 (+3) |
02/28/2025 01:39:24 | 97 | Pacal II | score increased to 401 (+3) |
02/28/2025 01:39:24 | 97 | Julius Caesar | score increased to 323 (+2) |
02/28/2025 01:39:24 | 97 | Bismarck | score increased to 113 (+6) |
02/28/2025 01:39:24 | 97 | ljudek | score increased to 263 (+1) |
02/28/2025 01:39:24 | 97 | Zhan Pijer | score increased to 162 (+1) |
02/28/2025 01:39:24 | 97 | dejak | score increased to 190 (+6) |
02/28/2025 01:39:24 | 97 | Leto II | score increased to 381 (+6) |
02/28/2025 01:39:24 | 97 | msmgt | score increased to 374 (+6) |
02/28/2025 01:39:24 | 97 | Willem van Oranje | score increased to 317 (+4) |
02/28/2025 01:39:24 | 97 | Huayna Capac | score increased to 241 (+10) |
02/28/2025 01:39:24 | 97 | Lukezy | score increased to 290 (+2) |
02/28/2025 01:39:24 | 97 | doklen | score increased to 468 (+10) |
02/28/2025 01:39:24 | 97 | DarkLunaPhantom | score increased to 330 (+1) |
02/28/2025 01:39:24 | 97 | RecisipGG | score increased to 273 (+1) |
02/28/2025 01:39:24 | 97 | Tuc | score increased to 343 (+2) |
02/28/2025 01:39:24 | 97 | Legendica | score increased to 271 (+2) |
02/28/2025 01:39:24 | 97 | - | a new turn has begun. It is now 450 BC |