kek 8

game status

game description

player summary

* 5 doklenBrennusOttomans461offline
* 17 SaladinSaladinArabian Empire427unclaimed
* 23 Pacal IIPacal IIByzantine Empire404unclaimed
13 Leto IIMehmed IIIncan Empire381offline
* 12 msmgtSuryavarman IIMali378offline
* 4 DarkLunaPhantomHammurabiGreece350offline
* 3 HatshepsutHatshepsutPortuguese Empire350unclaimed
* 1 TucElizabethViking Empire343offline
* 22 Julius CaesarJulius CaesarEgyptian Empire338unclaimed
* 10 Willem van OranjeWillem van OranjeCeltic Empire315unclaimed
6 LukezyGandhiAmerican Empire298offline
* 21 Joao IIJoao IIRoman Empire298unclaimed
* 2 RecisipGGPeterZulu Empire292unclaimed
* 24 Justinian IJustinian IMaya Empire272unclaimed
* 0 LegendicaDarius IPersian Empire271offline
19 ljudekFrederickBabylonian Empire265online
* 9 Huayna CapacHuayna CapacGerman Empire241unclaimed
7 WinterfoxVictoriaHoly Rome230offline
* 15 dejakWashingtonMongolian Empire192offline
* 8 yannAsokaKorean Empire180unclaimed
* 18 Zhan PijerShakaFrench Empire162unclaimed
* 14 Kublai KhanKublai KhanNative American Empire154unclaimed
* 20 BismarckBismarckRussian Empire0eliminated
* 11 CyrusCyrusDutch Empire0eliminated
* 16 megafreshTokugawaChinese Empire0eliminated

game log

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    Actual timezone: Europe/Berlin

    Server time: 9:09 p.m.

    03/01/2025 21:08:3198ljudeklogged in
    03/01/2025 19:02:2398Legendicalogged out
    03/01/2025 18:54:2598Legendicafinished turn
    03/01/2025 18:04:2098DarkLunaPhantomlogged out
    03/01/2025 18:00:0698DarkLunaPhantomfinished turn
    03/01/2025 17:55:5198DarkLunaPhantomscore increased to 350 (+2)
    03/01/2025 17:44:5998msmgtlogged out
    03/01/2025 17:44:5998DarkLunaPhantomlogged in
    03/01/2025 17:43:4898msmgtfinished turn
    03/01/2025 17:27:2998Bismarckeliminated
    03/01/2025 17:27:2998msmgtscore increased to 378 (+4)
    03/01/2025 17:24:4798msmgtlogged in
    03/01/2025 16:54:1598doklenlogged out
    03/01/2025 16:53:1498doklenscore decreased to 461 (-3)
    03/01/2025 16:51:4298doklenfinished turn
    03/01/2025 16:47:0898doklenlogged in
    03/01/2025 16:38:0998Legendicalogged in
    03/01/2025 16:33:5698Tuclogged out
    03/01/2025 16:30:5398RecisipGGscore increased to 292 (+12)
    03/01/2025 16:29:3298Tucfinished turn
    03/01/2025 16:27:5098Tuclogged in
    03/01/2025 15:56:4698dejaklogged out
    03/01/2025 15:56:4698dejakfinished turn
    03/01/2025 15:56:3698Justinian Iscore increased to 272 (+14)
    03/01/2025 15:56:3698Pacal IIscore increased to 404 (+3)
    03/01/2025 15:56:3698Julius Caesarscore increased to 338 (+15)
    03/01/2025 15:56:3698Joao IIscore increased to 298 (+2)
    03/01/2025 15:56:3698Bismarckscore decreased to 111 (-2)
    03/01/2025 15:56:3698ljudekscore increased to 265 (+2)
    03/01/2025 15:56:3698Saladinscore increased to 427 (+22)
    03/01/2025 15:56:3698dejakscore increased to 192 (+2)
    03/01/2025 15:56:3698Willem van Oranjescore decreased to 315 (-2)
    03/01/2025 15:56:3698Lukezyscore increased to 298 (+10)
    03/01/2025 15:56:3698doklenscore increased to 464 (+1)
    03/01/2025 15:56:3698Hatshepsutscore increased to 350 (+17)
    03/01/2025 15:56:3698RecisipGGscore increased to 280 (+7)
    03/01/2025 15:56:2598-a new turn has begun. It is now 425 BC
    03/01/2025 14:46:4497dejaklogged in
    03/01/2025 03:07:5197Tuclogged out
    03/01/2025 03:04:3897Tucfinished turn
    03/01/2025 03:03:1697Tuclogged in
    02/28/2025 19:15:1897DarkLunaPhantomlogged out
    02/28/2025 19:14:3897DarkLunaPhantomfinished turn
    02/28/2025 19:06:0997Saladinscore increased to 405 (+12)
    02/28/2025 19:06:0997DarkLunaPhantomscore increased to 348 (+18)
    02/28/2025 18:58:0097DarkLunaPhantomlogged in
    02/28/2025 18:29:0897ljudeklogged out
    02/28/2025 18:29:0897ljudekfinished turn
    02/28/2025 17:58:4797ljudeklogged in
    02/28/2025 15:24:3697Legendicalogged out
    02/28/2025 15:19:4197msmgtlogged out
    02/28/2025 15:14:0497Legendicafinished turn
    02/28/2025 15:13:5497msmgtfinished turn
    02/28/2025 14:57:2797msmgtlogged in
    02/28/2025 13:47:4697Winterfoxlogged out
    02/28/2025 13:47:3697Winterfoxfinished turn
    02/28/2025 13:46:0597Winterfoxlogged in
    02/28/2025 13:23:2297Legendicalogged in
    02/28/2025 12:47:5597Lukezylogged out
    02/28/2025 12:33:4297Lukezyfinished turn
    02/28/2025 12:30:3997Lukezyscore decreased to 288 (-2)
    02/28/2025 12:27:4597Lukezylogged in
    02/28/2025 11:19:0197doklenlogged out
    02/28/2025 11:16:5897doklenscore decreased to 463 (-3)
    02/28/2025 11:16:4897doklenscore decreased to 466 (-2)
    02/28/2025 11:16:2797doklenfinished turn
    02/28/2025 11:11:2397doklenlogged in
    02/28/2025 01:45:5197Leto IIlogged out
    02/28/2025 01:43:5997Leto IIfinished turn
    02/28/2025 01:39:2497Justinian Iscore increased to 258 (+3)
    02/28/2025 01:39:2497Pacal IIscore increased to 401 (+3)
    02/28/2025 01:39:2497Julius Caesarscore increased to 323 (+2)
    02/28/2025 01:39:2497Bismarckscore increased to 113 (+6)
    02/28/2025 01:39:2497ljudekscore increased to 263 (+1)
    02/28/2025 01:39:2497Zhan Pijerscore increased to 162 (+1)
    02/28/2025 01:39:2497dejakscore increased to 190 (+6)
    02/28/2025 01:39:2497Leto IIscore increased to 381 (+6)
    02/28/2025 01:39:2497msmgtscore increased to 374 (+6)
    02/28/2025 01:39:2497Willem van Oranjescore increased to 317 (+4)
    02/28/2025 01:39:2497Huayna Capacscore increased to 241 (+10)
    02/28/2025 01:39:2497Lukezyscore increased to 290 (+2)
    02/28/2025 01:39:2497doklenscore increased to 468 (+10)
    02/28/2025 01:39:2497DarkLunaPhantomscore increased to 330 (+1)
    02/28/2025 01:39:2497RecisipGGscore increased to 273 (+1)
    02/28/2025 01:39:2497Tucscore increased to 343 (+2)
    02/28/2025 01:39:2497Legendicascore increased to 271 (+2)
    02/28/2025 01:39:2497-a new turn has begun. It is now 450 BC